Laryngitis symptoms include hoarse voice, sore throat, difficulty speaking, coughing, and feeling of blockage in the throat. Other symptoms may be caused by associated viruses or flu. Symptoms can last for several days to several months in chronic cases. Singers are more likely to suffer from chronic laryngitis.
Symptoms of laryngitis include a hoarse voice, sore throat, and difficulty speaking. A person with the condition may also feel the need to constantly clear their throat. Other symptoms, such as fever, cough, and general feeling of illness, are usually caused by an associated virus or flu rather than the laryngitis itself. In most cases, laryngitis symptoms subside naturally after several days, although they can persist for up to a week. If chronic laryngitis occurs, the symptoms can last much longer, sometimes for several months.
The most common symptom of laryngitis is a hoarse voice. This is almost always accompanied by a sore throat. When a person has laryngitis, the parts of the throat associated with speech, such as the larynx or larynx, become inflamed. This affects the vocal cords, which is why sufferers find it difficult to speak normally.
Other common symptoms include trouble speaking, coughing, and a feeling in the throat that is blocked. In some cases, all of these laryngitis symptoms may be present; in other cases, only one or two symptoms occur. The severity of symptoms can also vary, depending on how inflamed parts of the throat have become.
There are a number of laryngitis symptoms that are indirectly associated with the condition. Laryngitis sometimes strikes at the same time as another condition, such as a cold or the flu. For this reason, the patient may also have common cold symptoms and generally feel unwell for the duration of the illness. Sometimes laryngitis occurs at the same time as tonsillitis, which is a condition that causes swelling and pain in the tonsils.
If a person has acute laryngitis, which starts suddenly rather than developing over a long period of time, the symptoms usually last for several days. The patient’s voice usually deteriorates during the first day. In many cases, the hoarse voice will last longer than other symptoms, sometimes up to a week.
Symptoms of chronic laryngitis are similar to those that occur in acute laryngitis, but last much longer. Unlike acute laryngitis, the chronic condition begins over the course of several days rather than suddenly, and symptoms can get progressively worse during this time. After the initial period, symptoms of chronic laryngitis can persist for up to several months in the worst cases. While chronic laryngitis can affect anyone, those who use their voice a lot, such as singers, are much more likely to suffer from the condition.