Legal DNA analysis: what’s allowed?

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DNA analysis can identify or exonerate criminals, determine paternity, and save lives. It can also be used to identify endangered species and authenticate rare treats. DNA laws vary by location.

A deoxyribonucleic acid analysis, or DNA analysis, can legally be used to identify or exonerate criminals or crime suspects. It can also be used to identify victims of a crime when visual identification is not possible. Citizens can also use a DNA analysis to ascertain paternity or other personal identification for use in a child custody suit and some other legal proceedings.

One of the most common uses of DNA analysis is in identifying criminals. Law enforcement agencies often collect DNA samples at crime scenes for use in laboratory testing. Once these tests have been completed, the presence of a person at the crime scene can sometimes be proven. In some cases, a suspect’s involvement in a crime can even be proven false if a DNA match is not made. Offenders on death row often require a DNA test to prove their innocence, which has led to several people being exonerated from death row.

The use of DNA analysis to determine paternity in child custody cases has become a popular practice. Other family relationships, such as the relationship of adopted siblings, can also be determined with the help of DNA. DNA analysis can also be instrumental in saving people’s lives. Forensic DNA testing is often conducted to match organ donors to recipients.

Some private companies keep DNA evidence on hand. These could include legal service firms or insurance agencies. Such evidence can be used to identify clients making claims, establish kinship for individuals listed in a will, and many other applications. Some people argue that this is an invasion of privacy which can be used to discriminate, for example by denying insurance coverage based on DNA analysis.

DNA analysis is not limited to humans. Wildlife officials sometimes use the technology to determine an animal’s species as endangered or to prosecute poachers for harming wildlife. The pedigree of animals, such as livestock or pets used in animal shows, and the authenticity of rare treats can also be legally determined through DNA testing.

To determine local legal uses of DNA testing, interested individuals should contact their local governing body. DNA laws differ between local governments, such as individual state laws in the United States. DNA preservation, collection, and other policies are also typically determined by local government officials.

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