Life expectancy rates: how they’ve changed?

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Life expectancy has increased throughout history due to changes in medical knowledge, nutrition, and sanitation. The US saw a dramatic increase in the 20th century due to a drop in infant mortality rates. Women have a longer life expectancy than men, and rates are lower in poorer nations. Obesity can lower life expectancy rates over time.

Life expectancy can be defined as the average time a human being can expect to live. It is usually calculated in terms of years after birth, but is sometimes calculated from other ages. Throughout history, human life expectancy rates have increased overall. Many people believe this is due to changes in medical knowledge and treatments, as well as advances in nutrition and sanitation practices.

In the United States, the twentieth century was characterized by a rather low life expectancy. About half of all children born in 1900 were expected to live to age 1900. Today, life expectancy has changed dramatically, as the average person (of any gender) in the United States is projected to live about 50 years old. While the increase in life expectancy in the 20th century is often attributed to a combination of nutrition, changes in general public health, and advances in medicine, one factor stands out among all the rest. In the 20th century, the infant mortality rate in developed countries dropped sharply.

It is worth noting that females have a longer life expectancy than males. Women are expected to live to about 79.4 years, while men are expected to only live to about 73.6 years. Life expectancy for African Americans is also quite different. African American men have a life expectancy of approximately 67.2 years while African American women have an average life expectancy of approximately 74.7 years.

The most significant changes in life expectancy rates have been seen in affluent parts of the world, which include places like the United States and European countries. However, India has also seen dramatic increases in life expectancy. For example, in the mid-1900s, life expectancy in India was just 32, but by the end of the century it had doubled to 64. In nations that may be considered poor, rates today tend to be about half those of richer, more technologically advanced nations. For example, in third world countries, death rates from diseases such as AIDS have shortened life spans.

There are some exceptions to the rich nation versus poorer nation rule. For example, Russia saw a decrease in life expectancy in 1999 following the fall of the Soviet Union, when rates fell to 59.9 years for men and 72.43 years for women. In this nation, the shorter lifespan has not been attributed to disease but may be due, in part, to increased alcohol and drug abuse.

Today, obesity is a concern for many and can prove to lower the life expectancy rate over time, as it can contribute to certain diseases that can be fatal. For example, being overweight contributes to some cancers and heart disease, and also contributes to the development of diabetes. Thus, some experts predict that rates in developed and wealthier nations will decline as the population becomes more obese.

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