A Litigation Support Manager oversees paralegals and other support teams, as well as coordinating and overseeing all technology support for the litigation team in a law firm that specializes in litigation. They are responsible for ensuring that the technology used in the law firm is working properly.
Most law firms specialize, or focus, on a few selected areas of the law. In addition, many law firms specialize in court litigation or litigation, such as pursuing or defending lawsuits or defending criminal charges. Companies that handle a high volume of litigation often employ a Litigation Support Manager. The duties and responsibilities of a Litigation Support Manager can vary slightly depending on the law firm’s size and caseload; however, in most cases, a Litigation Support Manager oversees paralegals and other support teams, as well as coordinating and overseeing all technology support for the litigation team.
A law firm that specializes in litigation, or that regularly handles litigation, will usually have an extensive system set up to handle the various court cases, discovery requirements, and preparation of evidence necessary to competently represent a client in litigation. Filing a complaint or responding to a complaint is usually just the beginning of the work required to properly litigate a lawsuit. It may be necessary to prepare and file several motions, along with requests for document production and cross-examinations. Witnesses will need to be located, interviewed and prepared for trial. Evaluation exposures will also be required.
Among other duties, a Litigation Support Manager is usually responsible for overseeing paralegals, secretaries, and other support staff. Paralegals are individuals who have completed training in administrative and secretarial tasks required in a legal environment. A paralegal may be responsible for doing legal research, communicating with clients, or drafting documents needed for a lawsuit. Secretaries perform general functions, such as typing letters dictated by a lawyer or organizing files. Other support staff might include someone in charge of filling out paperwork, a receptionist, and an internal investigator.
Each member of the firm’s staff plays an important role in the litigation of a case. Lawyers often need to focus their efforts on the legal maneuvers required to litigate a case, which is why a Litigation Support Manager is often needed. As a rule, the Litigation Support Manager keeps all the various members of the support team organized and functioning according to the needs of the attorneys.
In addition to overseeing people, a Litigation Support Manager may also be in charge of ensuring that the technology used in the law firm is working properly. In the digital age, a law firm typically relies heavily on technology to run smoothly. Typically, legal research is completed online, client accounts and files are updated and stored electronically, and many documents are filed in court or transmitted electronically to opposing counsel. As a result, the Litigation Support Manager needs to ensure that all office technology is working properly.