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Liver abscess: what is it?


Liver abscesses are pus-filled sacs caused by bacteria, parasites, or fungal spores that trigger an immune response. The most common type is pyogenic, caused by bacterial infections or problems with nearby organs. Amoebic and fungal abscesses are less common. Symptoms include abdominal pain, fever, and jaundice. Treatment includes antibiotics, drainage, or surgery. Diagnosis involves CT scans, ultrasounds, blood tests, and biopsies.

An abscess is a pus-filled growth or sac that forms on an organ or tissue in the body, and a specifically liver abscess is one that occurs on or within the liver. Generally there are three types. By far the most common is the pyogenic, which basically means “producer of pus”; these abscesses are usually caused by major bacterial infections or problems with other nearby organs, especially the appendix. Abscesses can also be amoebic or fungal and these distinctions are normally drawn based on what caused them and, in relation to how they should be treated. In terms of looks and basic features, however, they’re all quite similar. They’re all caused by bacteria, parasites, or fungal spores that trigger an immune response that gets out of hand and leads to a buildup of puss and other fluids. Doctors usually start treating liver abscesses with antibiotics, but in advanced cases, they may need to be drained or surgically repaired.

Types of primary abscesses

Most experts estimate that over 80% of detected liver abscesses are polymicrobial pyogenic abscesses. These are caused by the major strains of known bacteria and tend to produce their own pus as well as absorb the pus produced as a natural byproduct of its growth and development. Pus is usually thought of as trapped tissue and dying cells that are cut off from oxygen in a cyst, growth, or site of infection. The bacteria that cause this type of abscess can come from a variety of sources. An abdominal infection, such as an infection of the appendix or intestines, is one example; a perforated bowel, where it leaks from the colon into the abdominal cavity through a small tear, is another.

Less common are amoebic and fungal abscesses. Most cases of amoebic are directly caused by a specific parasite known as Entamoeba histolytica. The parasite lives in the intestines but can spread to other organs depending on how it entered the body. Fungal abscesses, as their name might suggest, are typically related to fungal spores of the genus Candida, which is a yeast. In all cases, the problematic substance, be it a bacterium, parasite or fungus, attaches itself to the liver wall and causes a pocket or sac to form as the immune system tries to isolate and destroy it. It is usually very difficult to identify what caused the abscess until it has been biopsied, although a blood test often gives some strong clues.

Understand the liver in general

The liver is a complicated and labor intensive organ located in the upper right quadrant of the abdominal cavity in humans. Although it performs over 500 functions, the main ones are filtering the blood and removing chemicals and toxins. It regulates the body’s metabolism and helps in the breakdown of fats in food for the proper functioning of the digestive system. It is the only organ in the human body capable of regenerating itself, unless liver disease becomes so severe that it is unable to recover. The liver is made up of two lobes that function independently of each other and if one lobe is damaged, the other lobe can continue to function on its own.

Abscesses don’t always present symptoms immediately and, as such, can be difficult to detect at first. A lot depends on where the pouch forms on the organ and how big it is.
main symptoms

The most common symptoms of a liver abscess include chalk-colored stools, fever and chills, abdominal pain, and a yellow cast to the skin known as jaundice. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor right away. Treatment may consist of a long-term antibiotic regimen, usually lasting four to six weeks, and sometimes this is enough to resolve the condition. Other treatment options include surgery or inserting a needle to drain the abscess. Even with proper treatment, it’s estimated that only 10 to 30 percent of people with a liver abscess experience life-threatening complications, such as sepsis, a life-threatening bloodstream infection.


Common tests a doctor might do when a liver abscess is suspected include an abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan, similar to an X-ray, and an abdominal ultrasound. Blood tests are also usually done, such as a white blood cell count to assess the level of infection, a blood culture to identify the bacteria causing the infection, and blood tests that indicate liver function. In some cases, a liver biopsy may also be indicated. While prompt treatment of any abdominal infection can reduce your risks of developing a liver abscess, the condition isn’t always preventable.
