Low vision therapists work with visually impaired patients to help them become independent. They assess the patient’s level of function, develop a treatment plan, provide techniques and exercises, and offer information about assistive devices. They also monitor progress and provide valuable information and skills to boost confidence.
A low vision therapist is a medical professional or rehabilitation specialist who works with people with visual impairments to help them become as independent as possible. Like other types of occupational therapists, low vision therapists strongly emphasize the power of their patients to be able to live without support or assistance from others. A variety of techniques are used to achieve this goal, including regular sessions with the patient to monitor progress.
People may be referred to a low vision therapist with degenerative conditions, damage to the eye that has been trapped but still causing visual problems, and other vision problems. The first step for the low vision therapist is an assessment where the level of function is determined so that the therapist can tailor a program to the patient. He or she may also review the patient’s medical record and referral information to learn more about the patient’s condition.
The therapist also interviews the patient, talking about specific issues the patient has trouble with, such as reading, cooking, and so on. Low vision therapists also talk with patients about their jobs to learn more about what they do and how the therapist can help the patient maintain a high level of freedom and functionality at work. With all this information, the low vision therapist develops a treatment plan that suits the patient.
He or she can provide the patient with techniques and exercises designed to help the patient retain as much visual acuity as possible by working on the eyes and learning to cope with visual impairments. Low vision therapists may be especially concerned about this when a patient has a degenerative disease, as they want to keep the patient fully functional for as long as possible. Routine monitoring for changes in vision quality and other emerging issues is also important.
A low vision therapist will also provide information about assistive devices, as well as advice on how to use them. These devices can include magnifying glasses, computer screen readers, and a variety of other tools that can help the patient with a variety of tasks. The therapist may be able to provide some devices for free or at low cost through charitable group donations and health insurance coverage, or he may be able to help the patient choose the most suitable products.
Seeing a low vision therapist can be extremely beneficial for a patient, especially if he or she is newly diagnosed. The therapist can provide valuable information and skills that will allow the patient to become more confident and alleviate concerns the patient may have.