Male suicide rates are higher than female rates worldwide, with factors including chosen methods and societal expectations contributing to the disparity. Male suicide is common among young adults and the elderly, with older men being more successful in their attempts. Firearms are a common method for men, while women tend to poison themselves. Men over 75 are particularly at risk due to loneliness, depression, and health problems.
Suicide is much more common among males than females. Despite the fact that suicide attempts are far more common among females than males, “successful” suicides are about four times more common among men in the United States. Male suicide is more common than female suicide in almost all other regions of the world as well. There are a variety of possible factors that could contribute to the disparity between female and male suicide rates, including chosen suicide methods and societal expectations. Male suicide is particularly common among young adults and the elderly; successful suicides are much more common among older men.
Male suicide rates in nearly all regions of the world are substantially higher than female suicide rates. In Denmark, for example, male suicides are twice as common as female suicides, while in Belarus, the male suicide rate is nearly five times that of female suicides. Notable exceptions are India and China, where female suicides are slightly more common than male suicides. These similarities and differences in suicide rates suggest that while culture may play a significant role in promoting or discouraging suicide, the prevalence of male suicide is not necessarily a cultural phenomenon confined to a few areas of the world.
While it is difficult to say precisely which factors lead to the prevalence of male suicide, several plausible possibilities have been suggested. Men, for example, are much more likely than women to commit suicide by firearms, while women are more likely to poison themselves, such as by overdose. Gun suicides are often immediate and leave no room for second thoughts or rescue, while overdoses can, in many cases, be treated. Additionally, males are less likely than females to seek help for emotional issues such as depression, so those suffering from such issues may lack the coping mechanisms they need to lead functional lives.
While female suicide is more common among middle-aged women, male suicide is more common among men over the age of 75. Men this age are much more likely to successfully kill themselves than younger counterparts who attempt suicide. A variety of different emotional stressors likely contribute to the prevalence of male suicide in this age group. Many have lost their close friends and partners, leading to intense feelings of loneliness and depression. They can also suffer from distressing and debilitating health problems that severely limit their ability to function normally in day-to-day life.