Marine science jobs cover a wide range of topics, from marine biology to oceanography and engineering. They can be found in various industries and organizations, and educational backgrounds vary. Some specialized jobs, such as marine science filmmakers and marine archaeologists, can be rare but rewarding. Opportunities can be found near seas, oceans, lakes, and rivers worldwide.
There are numerous marine science jobs for people interested in the oceans and marine life. Some marine science jobs, like marine science filmmakers, are very specialized, which means that open positions can be difficult to find. Other marine science jobs are broader and cover a wider range of topics, such as jobs focused on marine biology. Marine science jobs can be found through colleges and universities, federal and state agencies, ocean-related industries, independent organizations and consulting firms, and marine-related research laboratories. Educational backgrounds can vary as much as the jobs themselves; therefore, it is not necessary to have a doctorate or master’s degree in marine science to pursue a career in marine science.
There are a few main categories that marine science jobs fall into: marine biology, oceanography, and ocean engineering. Marine biology is the study of marine animals and plants. For example, a marine biologist might study the ecology and behavior of marine plants or animals, including how they are affected by pollution and other marine life and their effects on other marine plants and animals. An oceanographer is a marine scientist who studies how the ocean floor evolves, how the ocean moves, and the chemical composition of the ocean. An ocean engineer builds ocean equipment, instruments, structures, and vessels that are used to study the oceans and marine life.
There are many marine science jobs that fall under these general marine science careers. For example, a marine educator may be the perfect career choice for many people. Generally, a marine educator teaches the public about the ocean environment. They are often employed by marine related organizations, local marine related interest groups and, of course, colleges and universities. A marine educator can travel to elementary schools, secondary schools, libraries and community centers to give talks. Other times, she may give talks at aquariums, zoos, or other marine-related centers.
Other marine science jobs can be quite rare, but when available they can be very rewarding. For example, someone interested in archeology can thrive in a career in marine archaeology. These professionals study marine life, ocean movements, and historical and archaeological aspects around shipwrecks, plane wrecks, and underwater construction sites. Also, people interested in film or photography can find work in marine science. Environmentalists can also find marine science opportunities in fundraising and lobbying careers.
Typically, marine science jobs can be found near seas and oceans, and also near inland freshwater locations such as lakes and rivers. Almost every country has career opportunities for people interested in marine science. Aspiring marine scientists should identify just the area of marine science that most interests them, and a rewarding career can follow.