Math disorders, such as dyscalculia and acalculia, can affect a person’s ability to learn and use math skills in everyday life. Symptoms include difficulty with arithmetic, recognizing and writing numbers, and understanding mathematical reasoning. Early diagnosis and treatment can be successful in helping those with math impairments.
A math disorder is a learning disorder in which a person, often a child, will have trouble learning math skills and using them in everyday life. This disorder sometimes goes hand-in-hand with another learning disability such as dyslexia or dysgraphia, but other times an individual may be considered average or even above average in other areas. Many times, this condition is diagnosed early in life and is known as dyscalculia. Another type of math disorder, however, is known as acalculia, which is typically diagnosed well into adulthood after some type of neurological trauma.
Many experts believe that there are two types of math impairments. Individuals with math calculation disorder often have difficulty solving simple math problems, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Those with mathematical reasoning disorder primarily have difficulty understanding and using mathematical reasoning skills to solve everyday problems. People with math reasoning disorder, for example, may not understand how to calculate the square footage of a room.
There are a number of signs and symptoms of a maths disorder. The most obvious may include difficulties with things like counting, recognizing and writing numbers, and calculating simple arithmetic. Additionally, an individual with a math impairment can also invert numbers. He may see the number “92” as “29” and mathematical signs and symbols, such as addition and subtraction signs, may confuse or substitute one for the other. Other signs and symptoms of these types of disorders can include things like difficulty telling time or an inability to tell left from right.
Dyscalculia is usually recognized during elementary school, by a teacher or parent. Children who have a math disorder may, however, rush to middle or high school before a problem is recognized. These students often have above average intelligence in areas such as reading or writing.
When a math impairment is suspected, the student usually takes standardized math tests. These are used to determine your math ability compared to other students your age. Psychological tests may also be done to rule out other mental disorders, such as mental retardation, autism and ADHD. If he performs far below average on the math portions of the tests and other neurological disorders are ruled out, he is usually diagnosed with a math disorder.
Treatment for maths disorders is often successful. Many educators and psychologists believe that the key to success is identifying and treating the problem early, and there seems to be evidence to support this. Often, students with math disabilities will be placed in special education or remedial math classes. Special tutors can also help them understand the topic better. If caught early enough, a math impairment may not pose a big deal later in life.