“The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci was restored in 1999. The first full color and sound film, “On with the Show!”, was produced by Warner Brothers in 1929. The Dionne quintuplets were born in Ontario, Canada in 1934. Amateur pilot Matthew Rust landed in Moscow undetected in 1987. The Sierra Club was founded by John Muir in 1892. The first all African-American regiment, the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, left Boston in 1863. Volkswagen was founded as the national automobile manufacturer of Nazi Germany in 1937. Neville Chamberlain became Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1937. Amnesty International’s first letter was published in 1961, and Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond books, was born in 1908.
Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” is back on display. (1999) The famous painting had deteriorated extensively in the 1970s, and a restoration effort began in 1978. It lasted until 1999, when the painting returned to exhibition to mixed reviews on the quality and appropriateness of the restoration.
The first sound and full color film has opened. (1929) On with the show! it was the first film shown in full color and all sound. It was the second film produced by Warner Brothers and started the Technicolor revolution.
The Dionne quintuplets are born. (1934) Born to Oliva and Elzire Dionne in Ontario, Canada, the Dionne quintuplets were the first known quintuplets to survive infancy. The quintuplets came as a surprise to the parents, who thought they might have twins, but had no idea five babies were on the way.
Matthew Rust has landed in Moscow. (1987) Rust was an amateur pilot from Germany, and he flew his plane completely undetected into Red Square in Moscow. Although Rust claimed to have no political agenda, it was an intense embarrassment for the USSR military and Rust was arrested and imprisoned for 18 months for violating USSR airspace.
Sierra Club born. (1892) Conservative John Muir organized the club to help protect the Sierra Nevada mountains, and it quickly became a cause célèbre. Among other things, the Sierra Club has given its support to the creation of the National Parks Service.
The 54th Massachusetts Infantry left Boston. (1863) The 54th was the first official all African-American regiment in the U.S. Army. It was one of the busiest units in the Union Army and won many awards. The first African-American Medal of Honor recipient William Harvey Carney won the medal for his actions during his time with the 54th.
Volkswagen is founded. (1937) The People’s Car Company, better known as Volkswagen, opened today as the national automobile manufacturer of Nazi Germany. The company would later become a US favorite with the iconic Volkswagen Beetle, which helped change the perception that a small car was necessarily a bad thing.
Neville Chamberlain became the Prime Minister of Great Britain. (1937) Although Chamberlain is often remembered as the pacifist prime minister who preceded Winston Churchill, early in his term he was hugely popular for those same pacifist leanings, as most Britons were weary of war and wanted to avoid it at all costs.
Peter Benenson’s article “The Forgotten Prisoners” has been published. (1961) Many consider this to be Amnesty International’s first letter, although Benenson officially founded the now famous organization in July of that year.
Ian Fleming is born. (1908) Fleming is best known as the author of the James Bond books, although many are unaware that the Bond character was actually based on Fleming himself, who worked as a spy for the British government alongside Christopher Lee, who in later became a famous actor. Fleming also wrote the popular children’s book Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.