The jus ad bellum theory establishes guidelines for declaring war, recognizing that war is sometimes necessary but must be waged with moral stipulations in mind. A just cause, exhaustion of peaceful measures, competent authority, cost-benefit analysis, and reasonable hope of success are all components. The 20th century saw numerous pacts and treaties between countries that provided legal definitions and foundations for the jus ad bellum.
In times of conflict, societies are torn by being forced to choose between two opposing forces: the desire to make peace and the dire possibility of war instead. To resolve this tension, countries and peoples have fought for the jus ad bellum, which generally means “just war” or “the right to wage war”. This theory establishes the guidelines for declaring war, so that any conflict between countries does not escalate into military violence. The Jus ad bellum recognizes that war is sometimes necessary, and it also recognizes that any war must be waged only with certain moral stipulations in mind. These moral clauses include issues relating primarily to the reasons for and possible outcomes of a potential war.
A critical condition of the jus ad bellum states that any war must have a just cause. In other words, armed conflict must not stem from the wrong intentions. The imperialist invasion represents one of these illicit intentions. Most countries would consider self-defense or defense of allies a good example of just cause.
Another component of the jus ad bellum is the requirement that war be waged only when all other peaceful measures have been exhausted. Mediation and economic sanctions are two common alternatives to a declaration of war. The 1945 United Nations Charter provides for war as an option of last resort.
Three other ideals encompass the jus ad bellum: competent authority, cost-benefit analysis, and reasonable hope of success. The first ideal considers whether or not individuals or groups who declare war have the authority to do so. For example, many countries may not recognize a would-be dictator’s declaration of war, while an accepted government authority may gain more support. War declarations should also weigh the gains from the war declaration against probable losses, namely financial loss and loss of life. In view of the costs and benefits, the parties involved should ascertain whether they have a reasonable chance of winning even in armed conflicts.
The 20th century saw numerous pacts and treaties between countries that provided legal definitions and foundations for the jus ad bellum. The Charter of the United Nations has issued provisions condemning the use of force in the conquest of a recognized independent region for the purpose of making that region a territory of the invading party. This pact between numerous countries also recommends that a subsequent declaration of war be ratified by UN members. Two other multinational pacts have also been instrumental in creating sanctions against aggressive and unjustified warfare: the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 20 and the Nuremberg Charter of 1928. In general, any official law of war must be upheld by any military personnel or civilian residing in the region.