Meat lacks cancer-fighting qualities and contains chemicals that can contribute to cancer development. The way it’s prepared can increase cancer-causing properties. Red meats and processed meats increase cancer risk, while chicken, turkey, fish, and beans are healthier protein options. Meat consumption is commonly linked to breast, colon, and prostate cancer, as well as kidney and pancreatic cancers.
Several factors are believed to link meat and cancer. They range from the cancer-fighting and protective qualities meat lacks compared to other foods to the characteristics and chemicals that can contribute to the development of cancer. The way meat is prepared can also increase its cancer-causing properties. There are also some meats that are more likely to contribute to cancer development than others, although it’s generally best to limit all meat consumption.
One of the main factors in the link between meat and cancer is that it lacks several qualities that can help the body fight cancer. It is low in fiber, which means it can make the digestive system sluggish and ineffective. Meat is also lacking in antioxidants that can fight the growth of cancer cells.
There are also various chemical properties in meat that can make it carcinogenic. Some types of meat have cancer-causing compounds. The high protein content in meat can be problematic, as it breaks down into ammonia, which can be carcinogenic. Many cuts are also high in saturated fat, which can lead to increased development of the hormones that allow cancer cells to grow.
The way it is cooked or otherwise prepared can change the chemical properties of meat and increase the link between meat and cancer cell growth. Preservation techniques such as smoking or preserving with salt add an often carcinogenic compound called N-nitroso. Meat can also develop other risky compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines, if cooked for too long or at extremely high temperatures. Avoiding cooking meat until it is well done and using low heat techniques such as poaching and boiling can reduce the risk of these chemicals developing.
The type of animal eaten can also affect the connection between meat and cancer. Red meats like pork, beef, and lamb are more likely to cause cancer. Chemicals in any type of processed meat also increase your risk. The best options include chicken and turkey. Fish and beans are other, healthier ways to get enough protein.
It is most commonly believed that meat has a strong connection to the development of breast, colon, and prostate cancer. Kidney and pancreatic cancers have also been found to be likely related to meat consumption. While other cancers aren’t as commonly linked to meat, they are a possibility.