A meat packing plant in the US packages meat for human consumption, while in New Zealand it’s called a freezing facility. Animals are not slaughtered there, but in a slaughterhouse. The industry has been around since the first railroad, and working conditions have improved, but human rights activists still protest. Kosher and halal meat are killed differently and have specific requirements.
In the United States and some other countries, a meat packing plant refers to a facility that packages meat from animals for human consumption. In New Zealand, the same type of facility is called a freezing facility. Contrary to popular belief, animals are not slaughtered in a meat packing plant. This facility exists solely to package and export meat.
Sheep, cattle, pigs and other types of livestock are killed in a slaughterhouse, a warehouse-type building which may also be called a slaughterhouse. The entire meatpacking industry has been around since the first railroad. The invention of the railroad enabled farmers to send their cattle to any slaughterhouse within days.
Similarly, a meat packing plant was able to receive and distribute meat in a country with the help of the refrigerated railcar. In the United States, conditions inside the average meatpacking plant during the 1900s were extremely dangerous, prompting author Upton Sinclair to write the classic book The Jungle. Many years later, in the 1930s and 1940s, the workers were able to band together and form the United Packinghouse Workers of America. Even as conditions in meatpacking plants have improved in the United States, modern technology has made this occupation as dangerous as ever. Human rights activists often protest the working atmosphere inside packing plants saying that production has taken precedence over safety.
A kosher meat, meat eaten by those of the Jewish faith, packing plant is a little different than a regular packing plant. According to Jewish law, animals must be killed with a single cut in the throat area. This method allows an animal’s blood to drain slowly. Trained individuals perform the cutting of kosher animals, although any cut that is too superficial, or that is marred in any way, constitutes non-kosher meat. In this case, the meat is then sold to people who do not belong to the Jewish faith.
Similarly, halal meat, meat consumed by those of the Islamic faith, is killed in a different type of packing plant. Halal meat must also be killed by cutting the jugular veins of an animal. There are many similarities between kosher meat and halal meat, although it is debatable whether the two types of meat can be interchanged. While neither Muslims nor Jews are allowed to consume pork according to the rules of their religion, among other types of meat, pork is the most popular type of meat worldwide, although beef comes in second place.