Medical confidentiality is the practice of not disclosing private information about a patient to others, supported by legal statutes and ethical obligations. Exceptions include patient permission, transferring records, and preventing injury or death. It is a sacrosanct aspect of the medical profession, enforced by laws and violations can result in civil lawsuits and professional complaints. Exceptions include patient waiver, sharing with other physicians, and in cases of serious threats.
Medical confidentiality is the practice within the medical profession by physicians and other health care professionals of not disclosing private or sensitive information about a patient to other people. This is typically a practice legally supported by the statutes of a country or region, as well as an ethical obligation that many physicians see as an essential aspect of healthcare professionalism. However, in certain situations, it is possible to make some exceptions to medical confidentiality. These typically include obtaining permission from a patient to share records, transferring records to other medical professionals, and sharing information to prevent injury or death.
Sometimes referred to as doctor-patient privilege, medical confidentiality is one of the most common and well-known forms of legal confidentiality. Confidentiality typically refers to situations where one person has the privilege of obtaining sensitive information about another person and this privilege should be kept secret and private. Lawyers typically have similar confidentiality with clients, and many firms often expect trade secrets to be confidential with employees and often enforce those policies through nondisclosure agreements. However, no sub-agreements are required to enforce or establish medical confidentiality; it is simply assumed to be effective anytime a patient is discussing medical matters with a healthcare professional.
Most doctors, nurses, and other medical industry professionals consider medical confidentiality a sacrosanct aspect of their profession. It is typically seen as an ethical obligation that medical professionals have to their patients. Such confidentiality is essential enough for patients to feel they can be honest with their doctors and receive adequate care.
Many countries also have laws that support and enforce medical confidentiality. Physicians and other health care professionals who violate this privilege may find themselves open to civil lawsuits and professional complaints. Doctors can be fined and potentially lose their license to practice medicine if such violations are proven against them.
However, there are some exceptions to medical confidentiality that allow a doctor to reveal private information about a patient. This can be done whenever a patient knowingly waives their right to confidentiality, often by signing a waiver or similar form. Physicians can also typically share information about a patient with other physicians who are seeing that patient, either via conversation or record transfer. Medical confidentiality can usually also be violated in situations where a healthcare professional believes a patient may pose a serious threat to himself or others, and in many countries a doctor is legally required to notify law enforcement of a serious threat of which he is aware.