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Mental health & learning disabilities: any link?


Children with learning disabilities are at greater risk of mental health problems, including depression, as they may misinterpret social interactions and struggle with self-esteem. ADHD can also complicate learning disabilities. Signs of depression include changes in grooming, eating, and sleeping habits, loss of interest in activities, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, and talking about suicide. Parents should watch for signs and seek professional help. Testing may be necessary for learning difficulties, which can include transposing numbers or letters, coordination difficulties, and problems with time and following directions.

The connection between mental health and learning disabilities could develop into depression if disabilities are not identified and addressed early. Children with learning disabilities are at greater risk of mental health problems as they mature. Adolescents may experience mental health problems and learning disabilities through drug or alcohol abuse. Adolescents with learning disabilities also face higher rates of school dropouts, problems with the law, and higher rates of teenage pregnancy.

A link between mental health and learning disabilities arises from social interactions. People with learning disabilities sometimes misinterpret body language, facial expressions, and simple conversations. These deficiencies could cause them to act inappropriately in social situations, leading to teasing or alienation. Problems could escalate if attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) accompanies the learning disabilities.

Depression may develop as a side effect of withdrawal from social activities. Signs of major depression might continue for weeks, while mild depression typically lasts longer. A child may not be able to express feelings of sadness, which could be interpreted as part of his loner personality. Teens who withdraw may react with aggression or anger.

Self-esteem also plays a role in the connection between mental health and learning disabilities. A child may lose interest in school while falling behind, leading to frustration and a sense of inadequacy. Physical symptoms may develop which result in missing school, further putting the child behind academically. The child with a learning disability may feel stupid and act to get attention.

Mental health experts advise parents to watch out for signs of depression in children identified as learning disabilities. Any changes in the way you groom, eat or sleep could indicate the onset of depression. Loss of interest in activities and lethargy could also be signs of depression. Some children with depression have difficulty concentrating or making decisions. They may also be talking about suicide, which signals the need for professional help.

Learning disabilities could result from a central nervous disorder that prevents normal information processing. When combined with ADHD, a short attention span typically complicates receiving and communicating verbal or written information. Some children with ADHD can be treated with medications to improve their ability to concentrate.
Signs of learning disabilities include transposing numbers or letters when reading or writing. A child may not be able to tell the difference between a B and a D, for example. He or she might also show coordination difficulties when attempting simple tasks. Problems with the concept of time, difficulty following directions, and losing objects could also indicate a need for learning difficulties testing.
