Microscope stages hold specimens for viewing and can range from basic fixed stages to adjustable and micromanipulator-equipped stages. The quality of the stage generally corresponds to the quality of the microscope and additional features like controlled environments can be important. Some stages can be easily replaced or removed for maintenance.
A microscope stage is the part of a microscope into which a specimen is mounted for viewing. Classically, the specimen is placed on the stage on a glass slide, which can be clipped into place with the use of stage clips. There are numerous types of microscope stages designed for different microscopy applications, from basic stages found in high school laboratories to micromanipulators, which come complete with robotic arms that can be used for very precise and controlled manipulation of specimens on the stage. .
Just like a theater stage, a microscope is used to show the star of the show. The stage is designed to be fully illuminated by microscope light or to hold a specimen in place when other types of imaging technology are used. Using stage marks, observers can take measurements and position specimens very precisely, and the position of the stage can be adjustable to obtain images from a different angle or to allow a researcher to see an entire slide without having to reposition it manually.
A basic microscope stage is fixed in place, requiring manual manipulation if the slide needs to be moved or adjusted. The mechanical stages are adjustable, while the circular stages provide greater range of motion and adjustability. Stages can also be equipped with micromanipulator arms and other useful microscopy tools.
Generally, the fancier the microscope stage, the more expensive it will be, and the better quality a microscope is, the better stage it will have. Researchers working with microscopes often need to be able to make very fine and precise adjustments, and the ability to make those adjustments is an important advertising feature for a sophisticated stage. Additional features such as the ability to create a controlled environment for observing live specimens can also be important for microscope users.
Depending on your microscope, it may be possible to easily remove a stage for replacement, or it may be more difficult. Basic microscopes tend to have limited options, forcing people to stick to the lenses, stages, and other parts that the microscope came with. The most cost-effective microscopes can be outfitted for versatility, with parts that can be easily replaced with compatible spares produced by the manufacturer or a subcontractor. It may also be necessary to periodically remove the microscope stage for maintenance and cleaning to maintain optimum microscope performance, in which case a quick release can be very convenient.