The modified American plan includes breakfast and one other meal at a hotel restaurant at preferential rates, ideal for short stays. It originated from the American plan, which included three meals. The plan is flexible and affordable, but not suitable for isolated or metropolitan areas with few or too many restaurant choices. Guests can choose between lunch or dinner, and some hotels require advance meal selection. The plan is practical for travelers who don’t want to explore the city for dinner and want to enjoy high-quality local cuisine at reasonable prices.
A modified Americano is an accommodation package where breakfast and one other meal are included in the price quoted for one night in a hotel. Guests can choose between lunch or dinner at the hotel restaurant at preferential rates, although they can also have the third meal at à la carte rates. The modified American plan is ideal for travelers who are only staying a few nights in the city, so they can explore local cuisines but ensure a good meal at the hotel. Not the ideal hotel plan for either out-of-the-way destinations or metropolitan areas with too few and too many restaurant choices, respectively.
In the early 19th century, the first restaurateurs forced guests to pay for room and board if they ate meals. Full board with three meals included in a hotel or tavern was then known as an American plan. A reduced accommodation package of two meals is called a modified American Plan and is often more practical for modern travellers.
If a modified American plan is offered, the hotel or guesthouse has a kitchen with full meals available. Both lunch and dinner are typically served, although on weekdays, dinner may be the only meal available in smaller venues. Some hotels require the guest to specify in advance which meal will be eaten at the hotel restaurant, although other places allow guests to enter, simply by showing the hotel key or providing a room number.
The modified American plan is both affordable and flexible. Guests arriving after a long journey don’t need to explore a new city to find dinner. Hotel restaurants typically offer high quality local cuisine at reasonable prices. Guests who are out for tourism or business needn’t feel compelled to rush back to their hotel at lunchtime. Late risers can opt for lunch at the hotel and then leisurely seek out the local cuisine in the evening.
For some travelers, the modified American plan isn’t ideal. In large hotels with many amenities, such as pools, skiing, or on-site shopping, guests need look no further than the hotel restaurant. A three-meal American plan would be a better choice for guests in isolated areas with few restaurants. On the other hand, visitors to large metropolitan areas, where culinary delights can be found around every corner, may prefer a European Plan, which does not include any meals. Complementary coffee, which is typically available in even the cheapest lodgings, may be all urban travelers need to leave the house.