Molecular markers are DNA sequences used by researchers to track specific genes or DNA sequences in an organism. They can occur naturally or be developed by researchers and are used for academic or therapeutic purposes. They must be easy to identify and polymorphic to be useful. They help determine the relationship between physical traits and genetic variables and can provide insight into genetic diseases.
A molecular marker, also called a genetic marker, is a particular sequence of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, identifiable in the context of an entire genome. Researchers use molecular markers to track the locations of particular genes or other noteworthy DNA sequences within a larger DNA strand. Some molecular markers can only be identified by examining the sequence of genetic information, while others can be identified by visual examination of an organism. These markers serve many purposes in biological research, including those of an academic nature and those more therapeutic. Academic applications might involve cataloging genes that influence particular traits, while therapeutic applications involve finding markers to help identify genetic variations in the hope of curing disease.
There are many different types of molecular markers of various lengths and configurations that can be used for many different purposes. Some occur naturally while others are specifically developed by researchers to mark the locations of certain DNA sequences. Various laboratory processes can be used to add molecular markers to particular DNA sequences or to join DNA strands at points indicated by the presence of molecular markers. The application of some techniques based on these markers allows researchers to create “genetic maps” containing the encoded genetic information of a given organism.
Molecular markers must possess some distinct traits to be useful to researchers. For example, they need to be easy to spot and identify with certainty, as any doubts could question the final results of marker-based experiments. They must also be polymorphic, which means that different forms of the gene encoded by the marker exist in different organisms of the same species and result in some form of change in the organisms. In general, there is little information to be obtained from non-polymorphic sites. Additionally, polymorphisms lead to visible changes, such as eye color or wing texture, which can be used to identify which organisms have a particular genetic makeup.
Various processes in biological research use molecular markers for a wide variety of purposes. They are commonly used to try to determine how specific physical traits or conditions are related to genetic variables. Sometimes, this is done for purely academic purposes, as researchers are often interested in determining which genes influence which physical traits. It can also be used for therapeutic purposes, though. Some genetic variations, for example, can lead to disease, so investigating variations in polymorphic molecular markers can lead researchers to some insight into the nature of genetic diseases.