Mozambique: What to know?

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Mozambique, located on the southeast coast of Africa, was colonized by the Portuguese in 1505 and gained independence in 1975. The country faced economic and social challenges, including civil war, but is now seeing growth in tourism and the economy. The population is predominantly Christian, with Portuguese as the official language and several other languages spoken.

The Republic of Mozambique is a country in Africa. Located on the southeast coast of the continent, it has the Indian Ocean to the east and Zimbabwe to the west. Tanzania is located to the north, while South Africa is positioned to the south. Comprising over 300,000 square miles (482,700 kilometers), Mozambique is ranked the 36th largest country in the world. It is similar in size to a turkey and only slightly larger than Texas.

The recorded history of the country dates back to the period between the 1st and 4th century AD It was during this period that the Bantu-speaking people started migrating from the lands located to the west of the country, as well as the north. They were mainly peasants, and those who did not work on farms tended to be iron workers. In 1498, Portuguese explorers, including Vasco da Gama, traveled to Mozambique. The Portuguese colonized the country in 1505.

In the 16th century, Mozambique, like other East African lands, became part of the popular Portuguese trade routes. Eventually, foreigners ventured inland from the coast in search of slaves and precious metals. In the 20th century, the management of the country was largely in the hands of private companies. Such private companies included the Mozambique Company, the Niassa Company and the Zambezi Company.

The companies charged with administering Mozambique were mainly controlled by Britain and worked to establish railways leading to neighboring countries. Additionally, these companies often paid African workers very low rates to work in mines and plantations in the British colonies and South Africa. In some cases, African workers have been forced into service. The policies established in this period were created to provide the Portuguese emigrants with maximum benefits. Often the needs of the indigenous Mozambican population and the country’s economic health have been ignored in favor of the benefits for the Portuguese.

After World War II, many colonies gained independence from European countries. However, Portugal maintained its hold on Mozambique and claimed it was part of the mother country. Over the years, however, the country began to reclaim its independence. By 1962, a number of anti-colonial political groups had formed, seeking independence from Portuguese rule, and sporadic wars ensued. It wasn’t until 1975 that Mozambique gained its independence.

Once independence was achieved, the country was left to deal with chaos caused by very few professional workers and a decided lack of structure. The Mozambique Liberation Front, or Frelimo, was charged with running the country, seeking to bring about widespread social change. For example, the country’s new government sought to replace private land ownership with state farms and cooperatives for ordinary people. Eventually, the socialist changes led to economic problems and the country was threatened with bankruptcy in 1983. Amidst these problems, the Mozambican National Resistance, an armed rebel organization, stepped forward and civil war soon ensued, which it ended in October 1992 after the death of over a million Mozambicans and the exodus of nearly two million refugees.
Today, the country is still working to recover from its turbulent past. Tourism has started to take off in the country and the economy is seeing growth. Mozambicans are predominantly Christian, with about 40% of the population believing in Christ, about 30% holding indigenous beliefs, and the other 30% believing in Islam. Portuguese is the official language. However, the Bantus speak several languages, including Swahili, and most educated natives speak English.

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