Mullein leaf is a popular herbal supplement used for lung and throat problems, as well as hemorrhoids. Its benefits have not been extensively studied, and potential side effects and drug interactions are unknown. It is generally sold in powdered form and can be taken alone or combined with other supplements.
Mullein leaf is an herbal supplement derived from the leaves of the Verbascum thapsus plant, commonly known as mullein. Both the leaves and flowers of the mullein plant have been used for centuries as natural treatments for a variety of medical conditions. Mullein leaf remains a popular alternative treatment for diseases of the lungs and throat, as well as hemorrhoids. However, since mullein’s potential benefits have not been extensively studied by medical researchers, its true utility is not yet fully understood.
Mullein leaf is generally sold in powdered form. This powder is often dissolved in a tea or smoked in a pipe. It can be taken alone or combined with other herbal supplements. For topical use, the powder is often mixed with olive oil to create a thin ointment.
One of the most common uses of mullein leaf is the treatment of lung diseases of varying severity, from cold-related coughs to bronchitis. Many herbal medicine practitioners believe that the supplement alleviates lung problems by loosening mucus deposits. It is also believed to thin mucus, making it easier to cough up.
Another popular use for mullein leaf is the treatment of sore throats. Mullein is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is believed to be helpful in calming inflammation that often occurs in the throat due to viral and bacterial infections or postnasal drip. For the treatment of throat and lung problems, the manufacturers of mullein powder recommend taking one to three daily doses of the supplement for as long as symptoms persist.
Mullein leaf contains mucilage, a slimy substance produced by some plants for water conservation purposes. This mucilage is believed to have calming abilities when applied to inflamed skin. Therefore, some herbalists recommend treating hemorrhoids with a topical application of mullein leaf ointment.
While mullein leaf is widely advocated by herbal medicine practitioners, little attention has been paid to the supplement by traditional medical researchers. Therefore, there is not yet enough evidence to verify or reject its medical value. Additionally, the lack of attention to mullein means that researchers have not yet documented the supplement’s potential side effects or drug interactions. Therefore, users should be aware that ingesting mullein may not have any genuine health benefits and may have unforeseen side effects. Until the plant and its effects are more fully understood, pregnant and lactating women can avoid using it.