Muscle disorders negatively affect muscle function and can be caused by poor habits, nerve damage, degenerative diseases, and aging. Symptoms include pain, tenderness, limited mobility, weakness, and numbness. Dystonia is a painful muscle disorder with no cure, while muscle atrophy can be caused by disuse or other conditions. Early diagnosis and treatment are important.
A muscle disorder is any condition that negatively affects the normal functioning of a muscle or group of muscles in the body. The severity and long-term implications of a muscle disorder can range from very mild to very serious, and in some cases, the disorder may be combined with another medical condition that can increase the severity of the overall health problem. Such muscle ailments can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor daily health habits, neurological problems resulting from nerve damage, overuse, degenerative diseases, and even aging.
In most cases, the primary symptom of a muscle disorder is pain. Tenderness or pain can also be symptoms, as can limited mobility and feelings of weakness. If numbness occurs, the muscle disorder can be serious and will require immediate medical attention. Some ailments can be treated quite easily, while others can be degenerative or very harmful to the human body, requiring more intensive treatment on a long-term scale. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose a muscle disorder and recommend the best course of treatment, and in many cases, the sooner the disorder is diagnosed, the more likely it is that it can be treated effectively.
One type of muscle disorder is known as dystonia. This is one of the more difficult muscle ailments to treat, as there is no cure and the condition can be quite painful. Dystonia occurs when muscles contract for extended periods of time, often leading the sufferer to end up in awkward positions that can be quite uncomfortable or painful. In some cases, dystonia is associated with other conditions such as hypoglycemia, while in other cases, the cause of the condition is not understood. Dystonia can be hereditary, although many people with no family history of the condition can have it.
Muscle atrophy can be considered a disorder depending on the cause. This occurs when the muscles begin to waste away, and one of the most common causes of the condition is muscle disuse. When muscles aren’t used regularly, they get smaller and weaker, eventually atrophying. Muscle wasting can be caused by other conditions, however, such as nerve damage or other conditions that prevent the nerve from sending normal signals to muscle tissue. Individuals who become paralyzed will notice muscle wasting that occurs over the years, as will bedridden individuals.