Narcolepsy is recognized as a disability in the US, with legal protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Family and Medical Leave Act. Narcoleptics may also receive financial assistance through Social Security Disability Insurance. The extent of disability varies, but narcolepsy can interfere with daily activities. The disorder is not a mental illness and most attacks last less than 15 minutes. The ADA protects narcoleptics from discrimination, and the Family and Medical Leave Act provides accommodations for unpaid leave. Severe cases may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits.
The legal classification of narcolepsy as a disability varies from country to country, but there are specific laws in the United States that protect people who are narcoleptic. Both the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Family and Medical Leave Act require employers to accept narcoleptics. Narcoleptic individuals may also obtain financial assistance through Social Security Disability Insurance or the Supplemental Security Income Program. Despite legal recognition of this condition as a potential disability, the extent to which an individual is actually disabled by their narcolepsy depends on many factors.
Narcolepsy is not a mental illness, but rather a nervous system disorder that causes extreme daytime sleepiness every three to four hours. These sleepy periods can interfere with many routine activities. Those with severe symptoms may be unable to work, drive a car, or go to school.
It is rare for a narcoleptic to suddenly fall asleep during the day, despite the fact that this is the typical way of describing the disorder in the media. Most attacks last less than 15 minutes. Many narcoleptics lead productive lives thanks in part to treatments such as medications and lifestyle changes that control symptoms. Ultimately, only the individual with narcolepsy can determine how disabling her condition truly is, if at all.
Regardless of whether an employer considers narcolepsy a disability, the ADA protects narcoleptics from discrimination. As long as a person with narcolepsy can perform the essential duties of their job, an employer cannot treat them differently because of the condition.
The Family and Medical Leave Act also provides accommodations for narcoleptics working for employers with more than 50 employees. This law requires those employers to allow an employee with a condition like narcolepsy to take unpaid leave. If necessary, a family member may also be given unpaid leave to care for a narcoleptic immediate family member.
For Social Security purposes, narcolepsy can be considered a disability. For people with severe symptoms, narcolepsy can prevent them from working. In such cases, narcoleptics are eligible for Social Security disability benefits. An experienced narcolepsy attorney can best help an applicant obtain these benefits.