NASA’s Mars missions?

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Mars missions have three phases: flybys, orbiters, and landers/rovers. As of 2009, orbiters and rovers are still active, collecting data on caves, glaciers, and salt deposits. Future missions include aerial views and subsurface explorations.

Mars missions involved three basic phases. The most primitive were the initial fly missions. These were followed by orbiters and finally landers and rovers. As of 2009, both orbiters and rovers are still active on the planet, collecting data that scientists on Earth can study.
The first types of missions to Mars were flybys. These very early aircraft included Mariners 3, 4, 6 and 7. These aircraft literally flew by the planet, taking pictures as they went by. These photos were the first close-up shots of a planet ever taken. They showed moon-like impact craters and showed that the lines seen from Earth weren’t the channels some had believed them to be.

Orbiters have been sent to Mars as technology has advanced. These included Mariner 8 and 9, Viking 1 and 2, Mars Observer, Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Climate Orbiter, 2001 Mars Odyssey, Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. As of 2009, the Odyssey and Reconnaissance Orbiters were constantly sending information. They showed signs of caves, glaciers and salt deposits on Mars, while gamma-ray evidence pointed to the possibility of oceans on Mars at some point. The European Mars Express showed similar results.

Finally, missions to Mars transitioned to landers and rovers that were sent to the planet’s surface for “hands-on” exploration. These include Viking 1-2, Pathfinder, Polar Lander/Deep Space 2, Mars Exploration Rovers and Phoenix. Under the control of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientists, the rovers move around the planet collecting data on key issues. The spirit and the opportunity are still strong after five years. Although they are controlled from Earth, they are subject to weather conditions and changes on the surface of Mars.

In early 2009, the last of the Mars missions was the Phoenix rover. Phoenix landed in August of 2008 with the main purpose of a geological nature. It aims to study the geology behind water on Mars, which would in turn help to understand climate change. It is also tasked with discovering any potential habitat in the ice-ground boundary.

The future of Mars missions is boundless. NASA plans to send airplanes and balloons to the surface to study with close-up aerial views. Subsurface explorations will explore the geology of the planet and check for the presence of water or signs of previous life. The samples collected by the rover missions will over time give scientists the opportunity to study the rocks, soils and atmosphere of Mars from Earth.

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