Naturopathic veterinary medicine uses a holistic approach to healing animals, incorporating alternative methods such as diet, homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and Chinese herbal medicine. The philosophy is that the body will heal itself if given the right tools and care, and a naturopathic veterinarian works with the animal’s keeper to design a program that returns the animal to a healthy state and maintains that state of well-being. The veterinarian investigates the animal’s lifestyle and possible contributing factors to illness, and uses all available tools and resources to find the best cure.
Naturopathic veterinary medicine is a holistic approach to healing animals that incorporates an awareness of the body and what it needs to heal itself. Like a naturopathic physician, a naturopathic veterinarian uses a combination of alternative healing methods including diet and nutrition, homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture and acupressure, and Chinese herbal medicine to help the body heal. A naturopathic veterinarian works with those in charge of the animal to determine the best method of healing based on observation and investigation.
Naturopathic medicine approaches healing with the philosophy that the body will heal itself if given the right tools and care. Naturopathy is a non-invasive approach to medicine that seeks to eliminate factors that cause health problems. Once the body returns to a healthy and balanced state, naturopathic medicine seeks to prevent further illness by finding a balanced lifestyle that includes a good diet, proper exercise, limited stress, and educating the patient on how to live a healthy life. A naturopathic veterinarian works closely with an animal’s keeper to design a program that returns the animal to a healthy state and then maintains that state of well-being.
A naturopathic veterinarian investigates the animal’s lifestyle and possible contributing factors to illness, such as stress, diet, exercise, and environment, by interviewing primary caretakers. After discussing the details of the animal’s environment, a naturopathic veterinarian observes the animal to further determine contributing factors that may cause the disease. Using the information gathered, a naturopathic veterinarian will diagnose the problem and work to find the best cure. Diet and nutrition is one of the first steps, increasing nutrients that are lacking or eliminating foods that are causing imbalance and damage.
A naturopathic veterinarian begins his education by training to be a traditional veterinarian. Once certified as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) by a government agency, such as the American Veterinary Medical Association, a veterinarian seeking to become a naturopathic veterinarian continues training through a program certified by a homeopathic agency, such as the Academy of Veterinary Medicine. Homeopathy (HVA). All certified naturopathic veterinarians must also be certified and fully trained veterinarians.
Naturopathic veterinary medicine utilizes all available tools and resources. Unlike other healing methods that focus on one discipline, such as nutrition, homeopathic medicine or conventional medicine, naturopathy uses the resource best suited to each patient’s condition. Animals are sensitive to stress, food and the environment, just like people are, and finding balance is the best way to have a happy, healthy companion.