The wild prairie rose is North Dakota’s state flower, shared with Iowa. It was adopted in 1907 and is estimated to be over 35 million years old. The prairie rose is edible and has medicinal properties, and is found throughout central North America.
The state flower of North Dakota is the wild prairie rose. Designated an official state symbol in 1907, the prairie rose grows throughout North America. According to fossil evidence, it is estimated to be more than 35 million years old. North Dakota shares its state flower with Iowa, although each state differs in species specification.
In 1889, the graduating class of the University of North Dakota chose pink and green as the school’s official colors. They believed the prairie wild rose colors were symbolic of the green prairies of North Dakota and representative of the school’s rosy outlook. The flower gained the support of the Federation of North Dakota Women’s Clubs in 1898 and was voted the favorite for the North Dakota state flower by the state’s schoolchildren. As a result of this support, the prairie rose was adopted as the official state flower of North Dakota on March 7, 1907 via a Senate-sponsored bill that was passed by the North Dakota Legislature.
Native to a large portion of central North America, prairie wild rose can be found growing along roadsides, in meadows and pastures throughout the countryside. It is abundant in the area between the Rocky and Appalachian Mountains, as far north as the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, and as far south as Mexico. The North Dakota state flower typically blooms from late spring and early summer through the end of August. Wild prairie roses feature five petals in varying shades of pink with a yellow stamen in the center.
Rose hips and prairie rose petals are edible and are used extensively in teas, herbal supplements, and medications. The fruit of the prairie wild rose, called dog rose, forms at the base of the flower. Rose hips are extremely rich in vitamins C, E and K. They also contain high amounts of beta-carotine, bioflavonoids and pectin. The antioxidant effect of these elements helps strengthen the immune system and protect against disease. Rose hips are also known to improve blood pressure, lower cholesterol, aid in digestion and help with weight management.
Wild prairie roses grow abundantly throughout the state of North Dakota. The flower is often referred to by various names throughout the United States, such as meadow rose, smooth rose, and bland rose. It is considered a weed by the USDA despite its rich history and medicinal properties.