Neonatal hypoglycemia is low blood sugar in newborns, which can cause a range of symptoms including seizures and brain damage. Causes include premature birth, delayed feeding, and illnesses. Treatment involves correcting blood glucose levels as soon as possible.
Neonatal hypoglycemia, or neonatal hypoglycemia, is a medical name for the condition low blood sugar in newborns. A certain level of sugar, in a form known as glucose, is needed in the blood for the body to use for fuel, so low levels can cause problems. The signs of neonatal hypoglycemia can vary, and a baby may not show any symptoms or may appear generally floppy, sleepy, and lack of appetite. In more extreme cases, a baby might shake, turn blue, stop breathing, or vomit. Your baby’s body temperature may drop, and if the brain does not get enough glucose, seizures may occur, leading to possible brain damage.
Blood glucose levels drop during the first three hours after birth and then begin to rise. In the womb, the mother’s glucose passes through the placenta to the baby, where it is stored in the baby’s liver, muscles, and heart. During and after birth, glucose is released from these stores, providing nutrition. The many possible causes of neonatal hypoglycemia all prevent this process from occurring normally.
A baby born prematurely, or one who is small or underdeveloped, may not have sufficient glucose stores, while a baby who doesn’t start feeding early enough may deplete existing reserves rapidly. Both of these situations can lead to neonatal hypoglycemia. In babies of diabetic mothers, an excess of the hormone insulin can lead to a drop in blood glucose levels. Breathing difficulties during delivery can consume glucose, and illnesses present at birth or environmental stresses such as extreme temperatures can also lead to hypoglycemia.
Some of the signs of hypoglycemia in the newborn result from hormones such as adrenaline, which is produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress. These include shaking, sweating, vomiting, looking pale and a fast heartbeat. Other signs of neonatal hypoglycemia are due to an inadequate supply of glucose to the brain and nervous system. When this occurs, symptoms of hypoglycemia can include difficulty breathing, blue skin color, low body temperature, slow heart rate, and seizures. The baby may appear floppy and listless, may not be interested in feeding, and in extreme cases heart failure or coma may occur.
Treatment of neonatal hypoglycemia varies according to the severity of the disorder and includes treatment of any life-threatening conditions first. Blood glucose levels should be corrected as soon as possible. If the baby is able to feed, this can be achieved by giving the newborn a sugar-containing drink. For infants who are unable to take fluids by mouth, liquid glucose is given into a vein.