Cholesterol is the main factor in heart and cardiovascular disease. A blood test is needed to check cholesterol levels, including HDL, LDL, and VLDL. A healthy diet is important in maintaining normal cholesterol levels, with saturated and trans fats raising total and LDL cholesterol, while polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats help lower total cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol.
The most significant factor in determining the risk of heart and cardiovascular disease is cholesterol. The liver synthesizes cholesterol into a product that is found in most cells in the body. Plaque deposits of this fatty substance can be found in the walls of the arteries and develop into “hardening of the arteries” or arteriosclerosis.
To find out if you have normal cholesterol levels, you need to take a blood test or blood panel. High cholesterol levels are also recognized in genetic diseases, liver and kidney diseases and hypothyroidism. High-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) are the three main types of cholesterol that need to be monitored. Your total cholesterol and cholesterol/HDL ratio are also checked to make sure you are within normal cholesterol levels.
HDL, or good cholesterol, should range between 29 and 72, with an optimal range between 45 and 85. This form of cholesterol protects against heart disease and actually removes excess deposits from your arteries. Once collected, it carries it back to the liver to be excreted. Therefore, it is good to have normal high HDL levels.
Normal LDL, or bad cholesterol, ranges from 60 to 130. However, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute would ideally like to see LDL counts below 100 and lower in those who are at higher risk for heart disease. VLDL should also be kept as low as possible within normal cholesterol levels. The VLDL cholesterol range should be between 0 and 40, with an optimal value between 0 and 30. Depending on your risk, your doctor will give you the guidelines that are best suited for your body.
By adding up your HDL, LDL, and VLDL cholesterol, you get your total cholesterol count. Total cholesterol should always be below 200. For people with high cholesterol and consequently more at risk for heart disease, the optimal goal is 160. Higher cholesterol plaque accumulation corresponds to higher blood cholesterol levels .
Plaque buildup in the arteries that feed the heart can lead to a heart attack, while the arteries that feed the brain can lead to a stroke. However, it’s important to stay within normal cholesterol levels because anxiety, depression, respiratory disease, and stroke have been associated with low cholesterol levels below 160.
Your cholesterol/HDL ratio is important to check because it measures the ratio of your harmful to protective cholesterol. This ratio represents the overall risk of heart disease. Optimally, this ratio should be less than 3.4.
Diet plays a vital role in maintaining normal cholesterol levels. While only 25% of cholesterol is absorbed from diet and your body makes 75% of it, diet still plays a huge role in maintaining good blood chemistry and a healthy heart. Saturated fats and trans fatty acids are primarily responsible for raising total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats help lower total cholesterol, while monounsaturated fats not only lower total cholesterol but also raise HDL cholesterol.