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US-Soviet diplomatic relations established (1933); Benazir Bhutto elected first female Muslim leader (1988); Venera 3 lands on Venus (1965); Oklahoma becomes 46th US state (1907); Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act signed (1973); Skylab 4 launched (1973); Dostoyevsky sentenced to death (1849); US secretly brings German scientists to develop rocket technology (1945); Clinton visits Vietnam (2000); Allies bomb Dueren, Germany during WWII (1944); Federal Reserve Bank of the United States opens (1914); LSD created (1938).

Diplomatic relations were established between the United States and the Soviet Union. (1933) US President Roosevelt telegraphed Maxim Litvinov, the Soviet leader, stating that he hoped relations between the countries would be “normal and friendly.”
The first woman in modern history has been elected to lead a Muslim country. (1988) Benazir Bhutto was elected prime minister of Pakistan. He served in office until 1990 and again from 1993 to 1996.
The Venera 3 space probe was launched by the Soviet Union and became the first to land on the surface of another planet. (1965) Crash spacecraft landed on Venus, but failed to return any planetary information because its communications system failed.
Oklahoma joined the Union as the 46th state of the United States. (1907) Oklahoma and India Territories jointly admitted as Oklahoma. The United States had gained control of the area with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.
The Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act was signed. (1973) US President Richard Nixon signed the act, which authorized the start of construction of the Alaska Pipeline. The line carries oil to Valdez, Alaska from Prudhoe Bay.
NASA launched Skylab 4. (1973) Skylab 4 was an 84-day space mission that carried the last three astronauts to the Skylab Space Station, the first space station established by the United States. This was Skylab’s last mission.
Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky has been sentenced to death. (1849) Dostoyevsky was sentenced to death for alleged anti-government activities. He was placed in front of a firing squad, but his sentence was commuted to hard labor at the last second. He served four years in a Siberian labor camp.
The US government secretly brought 88 German scientists to the US to develop rocket technology. (1945) The United States feared that Russia was getting ahead in rocket development and wanted to work on technology similar to the V-1 and V-2 rockets used by the Nazis in World War II. As the scientists previously worked for the Nazi regime, the move – dubbed “Operation Paperclip” – was highly controversial.
A US president has visited Vietnam for the first time since the end of the Vietnam War. (2000) US President Bill Clinton paid his first presidential visit since the end of the war in 1975.
During WWII, the Allies bombed Dueren, Germany to total destruction. (1944) Bombing obliterated city, killing about 3,000 out of population of 22,000; the survivors were evacuated.
He opened the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. (1914) There are now 12 Federal Reserve Banks covering the 12 geographic districts of the US banking system.
LSD was created. (1938) The psychedelic drug was first synthesized by Dr. Albert Hofmann, a Swiss chemist working at Sandoz Laboratories in Switzerland.

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