Nuts can cause mild to life-threatening allergic reactions, including oral allergy syndrome. Symptoms can range from localized sensations to skin rashes, difficulty breathing, and an asthma attack. Serious symptoms requiring medical attention include difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, and an abnormally fast heartbeat. Sensitivity to other nuts is also possible.
Nuts are a relatively common source of food allergy. This nut can cause allergy symptoms ranging from mild to life-threatening. Various symptoms of allergic reaction to nuts can occur, from simple indigestion to unconsciousness and difficulty breathing.
Oral allergy syndrome is a mild form of allergic reaction to nuts. Nuts are part of the nut group, and walnuts may contain substances that share characteristics with pollen molecules. These pollen-like substances produce allergic symptoms in the mouth and throat.
The inside of the mouth and throat may become itchy, sore, and red. A sufferer may experience a feeling of discomfort in the stomach, heartburn or pain in the stomach. After these localized sensations, the allergy sufferer can then develop symptoms in the rest of the body such as skin rashes, runny nose and an asthma attack.
More serious allergic reactions than oral allergy syndrome can also occur with nuts, and nuts, as a group, are more likely than most other allergenic foods to cause serious reactions. An allergic reaction to nuts may get better on its own or require immediate medical attention. Medically recognized food allergies typically produce symptoms within two hours of the person eating the food, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center in the United States.
Skin reactions include hives, swollen skin, and itching. Eczema can be another allergic reaction. Stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea are other possibilities. Some people have the sensation of having something that tastes like metal in their mouth.
Facial features may swell, along with other parts of the body. The person may feel dizzy. He or she may start wheezing or not be able to breathe easily. In some cases of allergic reaction to nuts, these symptoms are not life-threatening and manifest as low-intensity reactions.
When a person suffers from a strong reaction to nuts then he needs medical attention. Particularly serious symptoms to be aware of include difficulty breathing or swelling of the throat. An abnormally fast heartbeat also indicates a serious reaction.
Fainting or a reaction leading to unconsciousness may also occur. If you see a blue tint on your skin or nails, it’s another sign that you may need emergency treatment. Those who show an allergic reaction to nuts may also have a sensitivity to other nuts. These include foods like pecans, hazelnuts and almonds. Sensitivity can also occur if the nuts come from plants that are biologically distant relatives.