Ocular migraines cause temporary vision disturbances in one or both eyes, including flashes of light, blind spots, and zigzagging lines. A true ocular migraine only affects one eye and can cause temporary loss of vision. Women and young people are more likely to experience these symptoms. Resting in a dark room is recommended to alleviate sensitivity to light.
The most common symptoms of ocular migraine involve temporary vision disturbances or changes in one or both eyes. These vision changes can appear as flashes of light, a blind spot in the eye, zigzagging lines across the eye, or different visual patterns such as spots appearing before the eyes for a few moments. These ocular migraine symptoms usually go away within minutes, followed by a migraine. When you experience these particular migraine symptoms, this is often referred to as the “aura” associated with the migraine, although doctors sometimes use the term “ocular migraine” to refer to both this experience and the less common ocular migraine that can cause a temporary loss of vision.
A true ocular migraine, according to experts, typically only causes vision disturbances in one eye. Ocular migraine symptoms usually include a blurring of vision or a loss of peripheral vision in one eye. Sometimes ocular migraine sufferers lose vision completely in one eye, due to a vascular spasm of the blood vessels behind the eye. Blood vessels narrow and temporarily reduce blood flow; This condition is almost always temporary and causes no permanent damage, but it’s still a good idea to see a doctor if it occurs frequently. This is also referred to as retinal migraine.
This second type of ocular migraine, or retinal migraine, is much less common than the first type, which simply causes auras and disturbed vision in both eyes. It is important to note the symptoms of ocular migraine so that a doctor can make a correct diagnosis between a simple ocular migraine causing visual disturbances or a retinal migraine causing temporary loss of vision, which is sometimes a more serious condition requiring regular migraine medication. Sometimes, people experience ocular migraine symptoms at the same time as the headache pain, sometimes the symptoms precede the headache by a few minutes or even a few hours, and occasionally there is no headache pain associated with an ocular migraine.
Some people may be more likely to experience ocular migraine symptoms than others. For example, women and young people experience these symptoms more frequently. While not considered true “eye symptoms of migraine,” people who suffer from migraine often find that they also develop a sensitivity to light. In this case, it is best to rest in a dark room until the migraine passes, because exposure to bright lights can make the pain worse and cause nausea.