Oppositional defiant disorder symptoms?

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Oppositional defiant disorder is a behavioral disorder in children or adolescents, characterized by persistent disobedience, negativity, hostility, blaming others for bad behavior, and aggression towards peers. Academic problems, frequent tantrums, and aversion to touch are common symptoms. It is often accompanied by ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Treatment includes prescription drugs and psychological therapy.

Oppositional defiant disorder is a behavioral disorder that can be found in children or adolescents. Typical symptoms include persistent disobedience, negativity, and hostility, especially toward those in authority. In addition, young people with this disorder often blame others for their bad behavior, intentionally annoy and aggravate other people, and show aggression towards their peers. Because it can be difficult to distinguish between normal childhood tantrums and this behavior problem, people with questions or concerns about potential symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder should discuss them with a doctor or other medical professional.

Tantrums, hostility, anger, and stubbornness can be normal behaviors in children, especially young children. To be diagnosed with this behavioral disorder, the symptoms must have existed for at least six months and be diagnosed as more severe than is considered normal for the child’s particular age. If your child’s pediatrician suspects oppositional defiant disorder, a psychiatrist may be referred so your child can undergo a more thorough evaluation.

Academic problems are common symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder. This is likely due to a reluctance to follow orders or accept any sort of instruction from anyone in authority. School-age children with this disorder may constantly argue or argue with peers, making it difficult to maintain any kind of friendship.

Frequent tantrums are among the most common symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder. During these tantrums, the child may seem completely out of control, frequently destroying property or attempting to harm others. An aversion to being touched or being easily annoyed about minor problems are also potential symptoms. The inability or unwillingness to accept responsibility for bad behavior, instead of blaming everything on others, is another prime example of what can occur with this disorder.

Children who are diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder often end up being diagnosed with other medical or psychological conditions as well. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is commonly seen as a problem in these children. Depression and anxiety appear to accompany this condition, perhaps due to a feeling of helplessness. A combination of prescription drugs and psychological therapy or counseling can help control most symptoms. Some areas may have a local support group for families who are learning to manage the care of a child with this behavioral disorder.

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