Origin jurisdiction is the right of a court to hear a case first, while appellate courts review decisions. The US Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over cases involving ambassadors, consuls, and disputes between states. Federal courts have original jurisdiction in cases of diversity of citizenship or federal matters. The extent of the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction was clarified in Marbury v. Madison, where the court ruled that Congress cannot limit or expand its jurisdiction.
Origin jurisdiction refers to the right of a court to hear a case first. This is in contrast to an appellate court, which reviews judicial decisions of the courts of the original jurisdiction. Courts with original jurisdictions include local and county courts, highway courts, family courts, juvenile courts, United States (US) federal bankruptcy courts, landlord and lease courts, and US tax courts.
Even though it deals with appellate matters, the US Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over different types of cases. Article III, Section 2 of the United States Constitution gives the Supreme Court jurisdiction over cases involving ambassadors, consuls, and prosecutors. The court also has jurisdiction in disputes where an individual citizen brings a lawsuit against his or her residence state.
The Supreme Court of the United States also has the original jurisdiction granted to it by statute through 28 USC § 1251. Under the statute, the Supreme Court can assert jurisdiction over disputes between two US states. It also strengthens the right to Supreme Court jurisdiction which is outlined in Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution.
Overall, the extent of the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction was clarified in the case of Marbury v. Madison of 1803. This case arose after William Marbury petitioned the writ of mandamus directly to the Supreme Court. Since Marbuy was not a public minister, ambassador or consul, the justices questioned whether the Supreme Court could affirm original jurisdiction over his case.
Marbury petitioned for the mandamus directly to the Supreme Court under the Judiciary Act of 1789. The Judiciary Act of 1789, which was enacted by Congress, expanded the Supreme Court’s power to hear mandamus. This act gave the Supreme Court the power to exercise original jurisdiction over cases that would normally be heard by the lower courts. In the Marbury decision, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional and that Congress could neither limit nor expand the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
Like the Supreme Court, federal courts often hear appellate matters, but they also have original jurisdiction over certain matters. There are two circumstances in which the federal courts are permitted original jurisdiction over a case. First, the parties must demonstrate that there is a diversity of citizenship, meaning that the litigants are citizens of two different U.S. states; alternatively, diversity of citizenship exists when one party is a US citizen and the other is a citizen of a foreign country. The second way federal courts can assert jurisdiction is if a federal matter is a state matter. A federal matter involves a legal issue rooted in federal or constitutional law.