Waterless cookware allows for cooking without adding water or oils, preserving flavors and nutrients while saving energy. Variations include valves and temperature gauges, but can be expensive and sold through direct sales.
Waterless pans are so called because they are designed to cook foods without adding water or oils. Pots and pans are usually constructed in multiple layers, including an aluminum or iron core surrounded by stainless steel. The foods are placed in pots without water and covered. Eventually the food’s natural moisture rises and creates a natural “vapor seal”. The food then cooks in the steam, without the need for additional cooking liquid.
Proponents of waterless cookware argue that it has several advantages over ordinary cookware. The first benefit is that cooking foods with their own moisture preserves their flavors and nutrients. The second is that since there is no need to add oil in cooking without water, no additional calories are added to the food.
The third advantage is that cooking without water is energy-saving cooking. Low heat is used, and some waterless cookware sets work by bringing the temperature down to a certain level, then turning off the heat. The pans have been sealed, so the heat remains in the pot or pan and the food continues to cook. While proponents of waterless cooking often focus on cooking vegetables in a waterless system, both these meats and potatoes can be prepared in these pans.
Variations in cookware may include a valve that can be sealed or opened, as well as a temperature gauge. The quality of the stainless steel used in the construction of the cookware also varies. Many high-end manufacturers use surgical stainless steel, while less expensive sets use a lower grade. One concern for waterless cookware owners is replacing items like valves, handles, or temperature gauges, as cookware owners may not always stay in touch with the direct sales representative who sold them.
Waterless cookware sets can be quite hard to find. High-end sets can also be expensive. This type of cooking requires explanation and training, so many manufacturers use the direct sales method of distribution. Independent representatives organize cooking parties in private homes to demonstrate the cookware to friends of the host or hostess. After the demonstration, which usually includes a chance to taste the food being prepared, guests have the option to purchase cookware. There are, however, some waterless cookware manufacturers that offer products online or in department stores, usually at lower prices than direct selling companies.