Part. physics & cosmology: what’s the link?

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Particle physics and cosmology are closely linked, with the study of the Big Bang and black holes being particularly relevant. Cosmologists need to understand particle physics to create plausible models, and particle accelerators are used to simulate early universe conditions. Dark matter and dark energy are also important questions in modern cosmology.

There is an intimate relationship between the fields of particle physics and cosmology, which has been exemplified by a long line of physicists working in both simultaneously: Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Kip Thorne, and many others. Cosmology is the study of the universe and its structure, while particle physics is the study of fundamental particles such as quarks and photons, the smallest known objects. While they may seem as disjointed as anything can be at first, cosmology and particle physics are actually closely linked.

Unlike complex systems on Earth, which can be described using higher-level explanations rather than properties emerging from lower levels, intergalactic and cosmological phenomena are relatively simpler. For example, in the vast reaches of space, only one of nature’s four forces has any real influence: gravity. Though stars and galaxies are far away and many times larger than us, we have a remarkably accurate picture of how they work, derived from the fundamental physical laws that govern their constituent particles.

The domain of cosmology most closely related to particle physics is the study of the Big Bang, the gigantic explosion that created all the matter in the universe and the spacetime of which the universe itself is composed. The Big Bang began as a point of almost infinite density and zero volume: a singularity. Then, it rapidly expanded to the size of an atomic nucleus, which is where particle physics comes into play. To understand how the first moments of the Big Bang affected the universe as it is today, we need to use what we know about particle physics to build plausible cosmological models.

One motivation for creating increasingly powerful particle accelerators is to conduct experiments that simulate physical circumstances as early in the history of the universe as possible, when everything was very compact and hot. Cosmologists must be experts in particle physics to make a significant contribution to the field.

Another key to understanding the relationship between particle physics and cosmology is to look at the study of black holes. The physical properties of black holes are relevant to the long-term future of the cosmos. Black holes are collapsed stars with such immense gravity that not even light can escape their grip. For a while it was thought that black holes do not emit radiation and that they would be eternal, a paradox for physicists. But Stephen Hawking theorized, based on insights from particle physics, that black holes do indeed emit radiation, which was later dubbed Hawking radiation.

Particle physics is also very relevant in the investigation of dark matter, invisible matter whose existence is known due to its gravitational influence on visible matter, and dark energy, a mysterious force that pervades the universe and accelerates its evolution. expansion. These are central questions in modern cosmology.

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