The Pauli exclusion principle states that every electron in an atom must have unique quantum numbers. Quantum numbers indicate the subshell, size, placement, energy level, and spin of each electron. This principle is important in explaining the bonding of atoms and has applications in chemistry and quantum mechanics.
With applications in chemistry and quantum mechanics, the Pauli exclusion principle deals with the placement of electrons in an atom. The principle states that every electron in an atom must have unique quantum numbers. Quantum numbers indicate the subshell and size, placement, and energy level of the orbitals in which electrons can be found, as well as the spin of each electron.
In an atom, electrons orbit the nucleus. The areas where specific electrons occupy space are called orbitals, and the orbitals are grouped into subshells. The number of electrons in a given orbital or subshell is dictated by the precepts of the Pauli exclusion principle which says that no two electrons can have identical quantum numbers. There are four quantum numbers for electrons which, together, indicate the general position of the electron in any given atom. Quantum numbers are called principal, azimuthal, magnetic, and spin.
The principal quantum number indicates the energy level and size of a given orbital. The energy increases as the electron orbitals move the father away from the nucleus. This quantum number is denoted by an integer. When the scientist notes the position of an electron in an atom, the principal quantum number is the first thing written down.
Azimuthal and magnetic quantum numbers provide information about the subshell of an orbital. By pointing to the current subshell, the azimuth dictates information about that subshell. The magnetic determines how many orbitals there are in a given subshell and indicates which of those orbitals the electron resides in. Although the azimuthal number can be denoted by a number, scientific notation is written as a letter: s, p, d or f. The magnetic quantum number is denoted by a superscript number in scientific notation, but is denoted as zero or otherwise as a positive or negative number.
The spin of an electron can be clockwise or counterclockwise. The Pauli exclusion principle dictates that each electron in an orbital must rotate in a different direction. Since there are only two options, only two electrons can occupy the same orbital and remain unique. Spins are indicated by a positive or negative “1/2” or arrows pointing up or down.
The Pauli exclusion principle serves as a basis for explaining the bonding of atoms, as well as scientific rules and phenomena. He has applications in Hund’s rule and band theory. In addition, he helps determine when and how stars collapse into the white dwarf and neutron star stages of their existence.