Phosphate mining extracts ores containing the phosphate ion, which are used to make chemical fertilizers and other industrial products. The extraction process varies based on the composition of the mineral, and mining sites are rehabilitated to minimize environmental damage. Modern mines focus on reducing environmental impact and repairing damaged ecosystems.
Phosphate mining involves the mining of ores containing chemical compounds rich in substances that contain the phosphate ion. These minerals vary in their composition and different varieties of phosphate rock require different extraction techniques. The processing of the mined ore follows the extraction. Finally, mining sites are rehabilitated to minimize long-term damage to the environment caused by the mining process.
Many different chemical processes use phosphates, and phosphate mining is one of the most important sources of phosphorus for use in the synthesis of chemical fertilizers. Phosphate deposits are inorganic, but are often deposited as a result of biological activities in the distant past. A famous example of this process is the island of Nauru, which was composed of very rich phosphate deposits produced by a vast accumulation of bird guano. Similar deposits were formed in previous geological eras.
The specific processes used to extract phosphate rock depend on the geographic characteristics of the area where the mineral deposits are located. Most phosphate mining is conducted as open pit mining rather than underground mining. In a typical mining operation, a layer of topsoil and other material is removed and placed in areas that have already been mined. Large dragline excavators then extract the phosphate rock from the ground. In cases where phosphate rock is very close to the surface, systematic removal of topsoil may not be necessary.
Subsequently, the phosphate is extracted and purified. Few phosphate deposits are pure enough to eliminate the separation process. The specific process used to separate phosphate from other minerals varies based on the exact composition of the mineral. In most cases, however, the water is used to turn the rock into a mineral slurry, from which a combination of sieving and filtering processes can extract relatively pure phosphate. The separation process can require large amounts of water, electricity or additional chemicals, depending on the composition of the phosphate rock.
Phosphate mining produces a variety of end products. Chemical fertilizers are produced in large quantities and are important to the success of large-scale industrial agriculture in many countries, particularly those with relatively marginal soils. Phosphoric acid is also produced in large quantities and, together with other products of phosphate mining, finds many uses in industrial chemistry.
After the mining and extraction processes are completed, the resulting waste products must be treated. Previous mining operations have had little success in this respect and often left vast expanses of wasteland. The island of Nauru, for example, has been substantially destroyed by phosphate mining.
More modern mining operations place more emphasis on reducing environmental impact. These mines focus on improving the efficiency with which water and chemicals are used to process the ore, and many have achieved very high rates of water reuse. Modern mines also devote resources to repairing local ecosystems damaged by mining, often by replacing the topsoil and reintroducing trees and grasses.