Piercing: What to consider beforehand?

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Before getting a body piercing, consider placement, healing time, aftercare, and the possibility of removal. Placement can affect employment and social perceptions, while healing time and aftercare vary by piercing. Time is also important, as stress and exposure to elements can affect healing. Piercings can be removed if they migrate or are no longer wanted, but some can permanently alter the body.

With the increasing popularity and social acceptance of body piercing, many people choose to decorate their bodies with piercings ranging from the mundane to the highly unusual. However, there are several considerations that need to be taken into account before getting a body piercing, as the decision is a compromise. If you decide you don’t like the body piercing later on, you can remove it, but you should allow it to heal completely first, to avoid the risk of infection. If you choose to get a piercing in a hard-to-heal area, like your belly button, it can take up to nine months or more to heal, which means you could have a long time to live with a body piercing you hate.

Placement is probably the biggest issue with a body piercing. Consider where you want to be pierced and think about the implications. A facial piercing, such as an eyebrow piercing, for example, may prohibit you from employment in some places. It will also lead to social difficulties, due to perceptions about pierced people. Whether or not you find these facts troublesome and sickening, they are facts and you should be aware of them.

Healing will also be affected by placement. If you are very physically active, a navel or navel piercing might not be a good option, for example, as pushing and trauma increases healing time and the risk of infection. Keep in mind that the area around your body piercing will be tender and sensitive during the healing process, and you will need to pay extra attention to it. Surface piercings will take a long time to heal, just like cartilage piercings. Oral piercings and ear piercings, on the other hand, are a very quick heal if taken care of well.

The second thing to consider when considering a body piercing is aftercare. You may want to do extensive research on what is involved, and keep in mind that aftercare instructions are different, depending on the body piercing. A tongue piercing, for example, requires rinsing with mouthwash after eating food, as well as frequent brushing to keep the mouth clean. This means caring for the piercing requires a lot more work than healing ear piercings, which are much easier to care for. Only get a piercing if you can commit to the aftercare, because infections are not pleasant.

Time is also an important factor. You should not get a body piercing right before you go on vacation by getting into a high stress situation. This is a recipe for poor aftercare and physical stress that will affect how well your piercing heals. Exposure to salt water, sun, or extreme cold can be very difficult in a new piercing. You want to keep it clean, hydrated and healthy, not subject it to trauma. The piercing can always wait for a more opportune moment, giving you more time to think about it.

Finally, with every new body piercing comes the possibility of removal. Some piercings are removed by rejecting, so it’s important to keep an eye on your piercings. If you see that a piercing appears to be migrating, you may want to remove it so it doesn’t leave a scar. You may also choose to have a body piercing removed because you no longer like it or can no longer wear it. Some piercings can heal, and others can permanently change your body, such as stretched earlobes. Think carefully about how a body piercing will impact you in the long run before you start researching piercing studios and piercers to work with.

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