Pisces is the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, born between February 20 and March 20. It is a sensitive and imaginative mutable water sign ruled by Neptune, associated with spirituality and intuition. Pisces are hard workers who go with the flow of life, but can be prone to feeling sorry for themselves. They are deeply loving but can be fickle, and need something or someone to believe in. Compatible signs include Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus, Aries, and Capricorn. Famous Pisces include George Washington, Elizabeth Taylor, Ron Howard, Queen Latifah, and Bruce Willis.
In astrology, Pisces refers to those born between February 20 and March 20, and is the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac. Some astrologers argue that because the sign is the last one, it has a little bit of all the other eleven signs in it. A mutable water sign, Pisces is said to be sensitive and imaginative.
Many astrologers see this sign as one of the more shy and nervous signs. People born under this sign are thought to be hard workers and are not usually considered the type who likes to take center stage. Some astrologers say Pisces can be prone to feeling sorry for themselves at times.
Believed to be ruled by the planet Neptune, which is associated with spirituality and intuition, Pisces is said to be both the most intuitive and one of the most spiritual signs of the Zodiac. Neptune is also said to be related to deception and delusion, and Pisces is sometimes said to be prone to living in their own world of daydreams.
The Fish is the symbol associated with this sign. Like fish, Pisces are said to “go with the flow” of life despite their often sensitive and/or nervous nature. Many astrologers note that Pisces are said to be deeply loving, but also have a tendency to be fickle.
Pisces can be very kind, giving and making good friends. Some astrologers say there’s a secret side to these people and that no matter how long you’ve known them, there’s still things about them you don’t know. Many astrologers point out that Pisces is a sign that needs something, or someone, to believe in.
Blue, lavender and green are often associated with Pisces and it is associated with metallic silver. This sign is thought to rule the feet. The keywords for personality are sensitive, imaginative, intuitive and elusive.
The other Water signs, Scorpio and Cancer, are thought to be the most compatible with Pisces. Water signs are said to share a sensibility that flows like water. Other compatible matches can be Taurus, Aries and Capricorn.
Another person born under this sign can also be considered compatible. The Libra and Aquarius personalities can be considered to have neutral compatibility. Pisces may find Sagittarius too unpredictable for long-term compatibility, and Leo, Gemini, and Virgo may also be considered long-term incompatible. Famous Pisces include George Washington, Elizabeth Taylor, Ron Howard, Queen Latifah and Bruce Willis.