“Pre-quit considerations?”

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Before quitting a dissatisfying job, consider securing another job, personal finances, potential unemployment benefits, local economy and demand for your skills. Exhaust all other remedies before making a hasty decision. Employers may address concerns to retain experienced employees.

Almost all working adults face a moment in the workplace when quitting seems like a viable option. Surely there must be some other position available somewhere with far less conflict, demands or tensions. Before turning in your two-week notice or running out the back door, there are several things you should consider before leaving your job. Quitting a dissatisfying job may cause a temporary rush, but just like the proven Geographical Healing, wherever you go, there it is.

Most employment experts agree that you should never consider leaving a job before securing another one to replace it. It could be argued that this isn’t always a priority in the middle of a heated argument with a supervisor or during the ninth day of ten hours straight, but voluntarily quitting a job should rarely, if ever, be a spur-of-the-moment decision. Make every effort to generate multiple job leads or interviews before quitting a major job.

An important consideration before leaving any job is personal finances. Do you have enough savings to survive a two-month job drought? Do you have automatic bill payments that rely on a steady paycheck deposit? Would the base salary of a new job be enough to meet your current budget? These are important considerations, especially if you have a spouse or other dependents.

Under some conditions, it may be better to be fired or fired from a job than to voluntarily leave. Unemployment claims are usually based on circumstances surrounding your last day of work. Leaving a job may disqualify you from collecting certain benefits.

Another factor to consider is the current state of the local economy. In an economically depressed area with 10% unemployment, quitting any job can be a very risky move. When local economies are heating up and staff are in short supply, finding another job may not be so difficult.

You can also consider local demand for your specific skills. If you’re a journalist working for the only newspaper in a small town, for example, you might want to secure a new position before you leave. Finding other jobs in a technical or creative field can be very challenging.

Before quitting any job, you should ask yourself if you really have exhausted all other remedies. Often the trigger for a sudden departure or a voluntary departure is relatively minor in the larger scheme of things. You may have been frustrated by a coworker’s procrastination on an important project, or your employer may have been less than discreet about a mistake. These incidents, as painful as they may be, are not always worth paying the ultimate price of quitting.

Once you’ve recovered from the initial stress, go over all your options before making a hasty decision to leave. Could you take a few personal vacation days to get some perspective? Would a pay raise or transfer to another department make the job less stressful? You may be eligible for company-sponsored counseling to deal with current job frustrations or anger management issues. When an experienced employee begins to consider leaving a key position, many employers will do whatever is necessary to address their concerns. Make sure you are prepared to leave a job permanently before you decide to leave.

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