Headrushes, also known as orthostatic hypotension, can be prevented by standing up slowly, staying hydrated, and addressing medication side effects. They can be symptomatic of larger health problems and should be addressed by a doctor if frequent.
There are several ways you can avoid or prevent a headrush from occurring, and the method you choose will usually depend on the cause. Headaches are often caused by a person changing positions too quickly from sitting or lying down to standing, and you can prevent them by standing up more slowly and carefully. If you are taking medications that can cause this effect, you may want to see a doctor and have your prescription changed. You may also be able to prevent headaches by making sure you’re properly hydrated and have sufficient electrolytes in your system.
A headache, also called orthostatic hypotension, is a time when blood pressure in a person’s upper body, particularly in the brain, suddenly drops. This moment is typically associated with brief sensations of dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness, a feeling of warmth in the head and shoulder area, blurring or blurring of vision, and even fainting. Someone who experiences them infrequently can typically alter certain behaviors to prevent them, although frequent episodes may be symptomatic of a larger health problem. There are a number of different factors that can cause them, and the best way to avoid a headrush is to address the cause that’s appropriate for you.
One of the most common causes of a headache is the act of standing too quickly after sitting or lying down. While in a relaxed position other than standing, blood typically pools in the lower areas of a person’s body. While the person is standing, their body may not have time to adjust properly and ensure blood flow to the brain, reducing blood pressure in the brain and causing an episode. If you are experiencing these types of episodes, you should be careful to stand up more slowly after lying down or sitting up, and give your body time to adjust before standing up.
A headache can also be caused as a side effect of some medications, including antidepressants. If you experience episodes after starting a new medication, you should consult your doctor to see if your prescription needs to be changed. They can also be caused by dehydration, especially on hot days, as well as blood pressure changes while digesting a large meal.
These types of episodes can be avoided through adequate hydration, including sodium or other sources of electrolytes, and by eating several small meals rather than a few large meals. Headaches can be symptomatic of other conditions, including diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. If you experience persistent and frequent episodes, you should see a doctor for further assistance.