Procurement fraud involves violations of the tender process, such as overcharging, uncompetitive bidding, conflicts of interest, and defective materials. It can occur during bid preparation, selection, and through deception or manipulation. Contractors may inflate costs or falsify documents, and controlling fraud during emergencies is challenging.
Procurement fraud refers to violations of the tender process when private companies solicit contracts from public agencies. It includes overcharging for materials or labor, uncompetitive bidding processes, conflicts of interest, and the supply of defective materials. This type of fraud prohibits public entities from obtaining goods or services at the lowest possible cost.
Fraud may occur during the bid preparation process if costs are inflated or when an RFP benefits a particular firm. Public agencies typically place ads to solicit bids from competing companies. When planning or budgeting errors undermine competition, they could be considered procurement fraud. Fraud can also occur when a government employee provides confidential information to a particular vendor.
Procurement fraud can also occur during the selection process, typically when bribes or kickbacks are offered in exchange for awarding the contract to a particular company. Government employees typically rank submitted bids to assess which company can provide the service at the best price. Some public agency policy requires two or more people during the offer consideration process to ensure fairness.
Government employees may commit procurement fraud by deception. They might split goods or services into two separate contracts to avoid going through a formal approval process. Government agencies that oversee spending typically set a threshold for contract approval tied to a certain monetary amount. If an employee deliberately splits the order to avoid checks, he could be accused of this type of fraud.
Suppliers could also mislead the public during the bidding process or after a contract has been awarded. Bid manipulation occurs when companies conspire to place high bids that give a firm an edge. A contractor who wins the bid may agree to subcontract work to a competitor who bids high or unacceptable. These conspiracies give the impression of tenders when none exist.
Another form of procurement fraud occurs when a contractor inflates material costs or falsifies documents submitted to support those costs. When a business charges for work that wasn’t done or for materials not supplied, it represents fraud. In some cases, a contractor might replace defective or inferior products to increase profits. Some government agencies ask for documentation to confirm that certain materials have been used and their cost.
Controlling procurement fraud in an emergency situation is usually more difficult. If a natural disaster strikes, public agencies generally don’t have time to solicit competitive bids and go through the normal procurement process. In some cases, there may be a single source of the services the agency needs in an emergency, which eliminates opportunities for competition.