Petroleum engineers use scientific principles to locate and recover reserves of raw petroleum and natural gas. The career has advantages, such as high salaries, but also disadvantages, including the difficulty of obtaining the degree and the dependence on demand for petroleum derivatives. The job may require travel to remote locations, which can be seen as either a positive or negative aspect. The demand for petroleum engineers depends on the demand for petroleum products, and alternative forms of energy may decrease opportunities in the field.
The engineers of petróleo apply scientific principles to locate reserves of raw petroleum and natural gas. They also determine how to recover these reserves in a more secure way and how to keep them safer. A student who considers a course in petroleum engineering must perceive that there are advantages and disadvantages involved in the career, as well as some aspects that could be, depending on the individual’s personality. A disadvantage is that the petroleum engineering grade is not more simple to obtain; another is that the career is directly linked to demand for petroleum derivatives. A scale of payment is a definitive advantage; o fato de muitos trabalhos exigirem viagens para locaisremos pode ser visto como um profissional ou um trapaceiro, dependendo de como o indivíduo vê a oportunidade.
I don’t want to say that the only employees offered those with specialization in petroleum engineering are in a foreign country or at all. The petroleum engenheiros, no meanwhile, must come from where this petroleum is and, in those states that do not possess petroleum or gas reserves, the empregos will be few or non-existent. If a student wants to train in petroleum gas with the target of ganhar more than here, he or she must be prepared to spend even less part of his career outdoors, in offshore drilling platforms or in remote locations with very little creature comforts. While some may be traveling as an exciting adventure, some others may see it as a significant negative.
On the other hand, it may be difficult to obtain the diploma. Um grande engenheiro de petróleo precise ter excelentes habilidades matemáticas e desfrutar de cursos de ciências e engenharia. Chemistry, geology, estatistics, calculus and physics are only a few of the courses required for the majority of universities that offer the diploma. As said, the principal will include a series of advanced courses, such as fluid dynamics and drilling operations, specific to the grade. The individual also cannot neglect communication skills and must also complete courses in English, computer science and economics knowledge.
The demand for petroleum engenheiros depends on the demand for the products we supply them with. A significant factor is the price of petroleum, because high prices mean that governments and businesses are increasingly seeking production, including some marginal reserves previously considered not lucrative. While alternative forms of energy are desenvolved, the production of hydrocarbons may decrease, resulting in fewer opportunities and less mobilization for those with specialization in petroleum engineering.
One of the more significant advantages for an expert in petroleum engineering is the potential salary. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the petroleum workers command the salaries higher than all workers. In 2010, the petroleum engineers calculated an average of $127,970 American dollars (USD) per year, with 25% more than $158,580 paid per year. Average salaries are significantly higher than our oil producer states, such as North Dakota, Alaska, Oklahoma and Texas.