Protect computer from viruses?

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To protect your computer from viruses, use antivirus software, keep your operating system and software up to date, use a secure internet connection and firewall, and avoid installing untrustworthy software or opening unknown emails. Consider using a less vulnerable browser and operating system. Scan incoming mail and discs for viruses.

Many computers, especially those running a Windows® operating system, are at risk of contracting computer viruses. While some viruses are just plain annoying, others can cause serious damage to your computer and damage your data beyond repair. To protect your computer from viruses, you can take a few simple steps. You have to consider it a full-time job; your computer is never truly secure unless you are disconnected from the internet and you never insert discs or computer software from unreliable sources.

Keeping an eye on the health of your operating system and software is an important way to protect your computer from viruses. Ideally, you should be using an operating system that is less susceptible to viruses, such as Linux® or Macintosh®. If you have a Windows® operating system, make sure you keep up with system updates and patches so viruses can’t exploit system vulnerabilities. Also use security patches for web browsers, especially if you use Internet Explorer®, or consider using a less vulnerable browser, such as Mozilla Firefox® or Opera. If your computer starts running slow or behaving strangely, you may have a computer virus and you should take steps to get rid of it.

Antivirus software will help protect your computer as well, by maintaining a virus database and eliminating threats to your system as they arise, as well as running periodic scans of your entire system. Antivirus software can only work effectively if you keep it running all the time and update it frequently. Most software will automatically tell you when it needs updates. If you can’t afford antivirus products, consider using antivirus freeware from a reputable source.

You can also protect your computer from viruses by using a secure internet connection and combining it with a firewall. Firewalls are easy to install; Most computers have a setting that allows you to turn a firewall on and off, and if you’re using a wireless router, the router often has a firewall as well. If you’re on a college or corporate network, network administrators can take extra steps to protect your system from viruses so that your entire computer network is healthy. Take advantage of the antivirus software and updates your network provides, along with your firewall, which is often more powerful than that of a personal computer.
Protect your computer from viruses by not installing untrustworthy software, clicking pop-up ads, or opening unknown emails, especially those that come with attachments. Use antivirus scanning software to inspect incoming mail and use the quarantine feature to isolate and delete incoming infected files. Be sure to scan any discs you use as well, to make sure a virus isn’t contained on the disc, even if it’s from someone you know and trust.

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