Quantum theory explains the behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic level. It suggests that all matter is made up of individual, quantifiable units. The Copenhagen Interpretation and the Many Worlds Theory are two major theories relating to the reality of the natural world. The Many Worlds Theory posits that once an object exists in any state, the universe around that object transforms into a number of parallel universes. The Copenhagen interpretation suggests that a particle cannot be assumed to exist until it is measured. One of the major critics of quantum theory is Albert Einstein.
Quantum theory is a way to explain the nature of matter and how it behaves at the atomic and even subatomic level. Closely related is quantum mechanics, which is a description of matter at the atomic and subatomic level. The theory postulates that all matter is made up of individual, quantifiable units. It was developed in 1900 by German physicist Max Planck. He presented his theory of it to the German Physical Society. While much of the theory continues to attract great debate and some controversy, there are parts that are almost universally accepted based on the available evidence.
Quantum theory has been used in popular fiction to explain many different things. Popular TV shows like “Sliders” and “Quantum Leap” have generated mass interest. It also plays a role in Dan Brown’s novel “Angels and Demons” during a part explaining the existence and meaning of antimatter. In most cases, this and other works of fiction look to one of two major theories relating to the reality of the natural world to construct their premises. These theories are called the Copenhagen Interpretation and the Many Worlds Theory, respectively.
The many-worlds theory posits that once an object exists in any state, the universe around that object transforms into a number of parallel universes. The number of parallel universes is determined by the number of possible universes, in which it is possible for that object to exist. This number is impossible to know, at least as it is now with modern scientific instruments. At some point, tools could be developed that can show the principles of quantum theory more explicitly.
The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory suggests that a particle cannot be assumed to exist until it is measured. Then, once that occurs, it’s whatever is measured. While this seems like a direct suggestion, this interpretation of quantum theory indicates that a particle is indeed in all possible states until it is specifically measured and observed.
This is often illustrated using an example known as Schrodinger’s cat. If a cat, in a hypothetical example, is picked up and thrown into a box, it is safe to assume that he is alive, at least for some time. If a vial of cyanide is thrown into that box, it could have broken and killed the cat. Or he may have remained intact and spared the cat. Until this is known, the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory would postulate that the cat is in both states, meaning dead and alive, at the same time.
One of the major critics of quantum theory is Albert Einstein. Einstein could not agree that a single particle could exist in more than one universe, as suggested in the many-worlds theory. The physicist, however, accepted some aspects of the theory. For example, he understood that energy could exist in quantifiable units and suggested that this was true not only of energy, but also of radiation.