The Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon to learn from his wisdom and brought lavish gifts. They exchanged gifts and there are hints of a love affair. She is mentioned in various texts and traditions, with different names. Some believe their relationship was based on trade rather than romance.
The Queen of Sheba is a biblical figure said to have lived ten centuries before the birth of Christ. She is known for a pilgrimage she made during her lifetime. Having learned of the incredible wisdom of King Solomon, the queen went to Israel to see him. She brought lavish gifts of precious metals and stones, spices, and beautiful pieces of wood.
According to the First Book of Kings in the Bible, the Queen of Sheba gave Solomon a total of 4.5 tons (4082.4 kg) of gold. She asked Solomon many questions and was very impressed by his answers. After completing her interview with Solomon, she gave him the following blessing:
“Praise the Lord your God, who was pleased with you and set you on the throne of Israel. For the Lord’s eternal love for Israel, he made you king, to keep justice and justice.” (1 Kings 10:9, New International Version).
Although both King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba were already quite wealthy, they exchanged many gifts before the queen left for her homeland. The story of their meeting is also written in the Second Book of Chronicles. There are some hints in biblical texts that there may have been a love affair between the king and queen. There is some debate about specific lines in the Song of Songs, which is also known as the Song of Songs. It has been questioned whether a female voice within the song is intended for Solomon’s wife or for the Queen of Sheba herself.
In addition to her appearances in the Bible, the Queen of Sheba is mentioned in the Quran and is an important figure in Ethiopian traditions and belief systems. As she appears in many different texts and stories, she has many other names as well. In Ethiopian tradition she is called Makeda. When she is mentioned in Islamic texts, her name is Belqees. Specific accounts of her life and actions also vary between different traditions.
In some modern studies concerning the Queen of Sheba, the romance and intrigue of her relationship with Solomon is dashed. Many people believe their relationship was based on developing and improving the trade. This is corroborated by the passage that comes directly above the one quoted above in which the queen praises Solomon for his governing practices. She tells him that her wisdom has led to happy people and happy officials. Therefore, it seems entirely possible that the two were, in fact, discussing professional matters.