Quinoa is a high-protein seed that can be used as a substitute for less nutritious grains. It is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including iron, magnesium, and folic acid. Quinoa is also low in calories and cholesterol, making it a heart-healthy option.
Quinoa is a seed that displays many of the same properties as grains. It can be ground into flour, cooked like a cereal, and even served as a side dish. However, as a seed, it is higher than many true grains in protein, fiber, and many vitamins and minerals. As such, many nutritional benefits of quinoa can be achieved by using it to replace other, less nutritious grains in the diet.
One of the biggest benefits of quinoa is its calorie balance. One cup (185 grams) of the cooked grain has 222 calories, only 32 of which come from fat. Eight grams of protein, nearly double that of corn or rice, is also provided per serving. Additionally, one cup (185 grams) of quinoa contains five grams of fiber.
The quality of the protein is another of the benefits of quinoa. Each cup (185 grams) of the grain has 442 milligrams of the amino acid lysine, more than double that contained in the same amount of wheat grain. In fact, in a gram-for-gram analysis of protein, the University of Minnesota found that quinoa provided higher amounts of 11 different amino acids than wheat. Many of the amino acid levels in quinoa were more comparable to skim milk than other grains.
Quinoa is also rich in many minerals and vitamins. One serving contains 58% of the Percent Daily Value (DV) for manganese. Thirty percent DV of magnesium and 28% DV of phosphorus are provided by each cup (185 grams) of the cereal. Additionally, it also provides significant amounts of copper, potassium, and selenium. For those suffering from anemia, the health benefits of quinoa include high levels of iron; 15% DV of the mineral is contained in each serving of the grain.
Many important vitamins are also present in quinoa. The grain provides 19% DV of folic acid, the natural form of folic acid, per serving. Quinoa also contains significant amounts of thiamine, riboflavin, and vitamin B6. Finally, while the 6% DV of vitamin E provided per serving may seem low, it is considerably higher than the amount of vitamin E provided by many other grains.
There are many health benefits of quinoa for those on heart-healthy diets. When prepared without additional additives, quinoa provides just 1% DV of sodium and is naturally cholesterol-free. Additionally, nearly a quarter of the recommended daily allowance for fiber is provided in each cup (185 grams) of quinoa. Finally, many doctors believe that the folic acid found in the grain may help reduce hardening of the large arteries and lower certain types of high blood pressure.