Dial-up Internet service is still an option for light users looking to cut costs. Look for a company without contracts, acceleration services, and a flat fee for unlimited access. Make sure you have a quality modem. Companies offering broadband may also offer competitive dial-up service.
Dial-up Internet service is one of the original ways home users accessed the World Wide Web. While DSL and cable Internet have since gained popularity due to their speed, reliability, and “always-on” performance, dial-up Internet service Dial-up Internet is still a viable option for some users. Light Internet users looking to cut their Internet bill by a large percentage would do well to look into dial-up Internet service for their Internet needs.
Finding reliable Internet service can be easy. Start by calling dial-up Internet providers and asking about contracts. Many businesses require contracts to use their services. While it may seem unusual, this can extend to dial-up Internet as well. Find a company that doesn’t require contracts so you can test their internet performance and cancel the service if it falls short.
Request information about acceleration services or programs. Many companies will offer dial-up Internet service knowing it’s slow, so they’ll set up programs you can run on your computer to make sure you’re sending and receiving information at the optimal speed. If you have a choice, prompt for the installation disc so you don’t have to wait for programs to download from the Internet.
Ask about the other services offered by the company. It’s not unusual to find that companies that advertise broadband or cable Internet service also offer dial-up Internet service. These companies usually have competitive dial-up service, even if they don’t market them publicly. The benefit of signing up with a company like this is that if you later find out that you need a faster connection, the company will likely give you a special offer if you upgrade with them.
Make sure you have a quality modem that runs at least 56k bit/s. The speed of your modem can make a difference when you surf the Internet. Refer to your computer hardware or manual to find out if you have the appropriate modem.
Choose a company that charges you a flat fee for unlimited Internet access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are countless internet providers that charge you fees every time you access or download something from the internet. There are others that seem perfect for dial-up Internet service, but they only offer long distance dial-in numbers. This, in effect, forces you to make long distance calls every time you use the internet. Signing up with the second type of company can drive up your bill compared to a broadband service.