A rental termination agreement is a legal document that allows a landlord and tenant to end a lease before its scheduled expiration. The terms of the agreement can vary, but may require the tenant to pay the remaining rent owed or only until the property is unoccupied.
A rental termination agreement is a legal agreement in which a landlord and renter agree to terminate a lease before its scheduled expiration. For example, lease agreements are often made to last for one year, although some may be shorter and some may be longer. If a tenant wants to terminate the lease before it ends, both parties can sign a rental termination agreement, which serves to set aside the previously signed lease. This new agreement will contain all relevant legal changes relating to the early termination of a lease.
When a landlord agrees to rent a property for a specified period of time, they expect to earn income from the rental property for the number of months specified in the lease. If a tenant wants to terminate the lease early, this can represent a significant loss of income for the landlord. To avoid losing income from his or her property, a landlord can sign a reciprocal agreement to terminate the lease early, but require the tenant to pay the remainder of the rent owed over the term of the lease. For example, the lessee may want to terminate a one-year lease after six months have passed. The landlord may agree to early termination, but require the tenant to pay six months’ rent and include this clause in the lease.
In some cases, a landlord can find a new tenant to rent out their property fairly quickly after their tenant ends their lease. To account for that possibility, a rental termination agreement may require the tenant to pay rent only until the leased property is unoccupied. For example, a rental termination agreement may require a former tenant to pay the outstanding rent balance for five months. If the property is rented again within three months, however, the tenant would not be responsible for paying the last two months’ rent.
The exact terms of a rental agreement can vary from location to location. Sometimes a landlord is willing to have a tenant terminate a lease without requiring months of rent as payment. The settlement will include any amount agreed between the two parties. In some cases, a landlord may simply prorate the rent amount owed for the remainder of the month and allow the tenant to move out without having to pay any more money. Some rental termination agreements also include provisions for the management of the rental, security and key deposit, as well as the delivery of keys to the premises.