Report bullying: how?

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Bullying can occur in schools, workplaces, and through technology. Reporting methods depend on the type and location of bullying activities and one’s role. Anti-bullying laws or policies can help stop bullying. Physical, verbal, emotional, and cyberbullying are common types. Reporting workplace bullying involves contacting HR or filing a complaint. Laws prohibiting workplace discrimination can also be used to address workplace bullying.

Several factors can influence the method you choose to report bullying. For example, it may depend on the type and location of the bullying activities. Bullying can occur in schools, workplaces and through technological means, such as cell phones and websites. The choice of bullying intervention may also depend on your particular role, such as whether you are a student, parent, teacher or office manager. By becoming familiar with anti-bullying laws or policies related to a particular situation, you can help stop bullying wherever it occurs.

School bullying is extremely common. Some examples of the types of bullying that children often engage in include physical, verbal and emotional bullying. Physical bullying involves any contact with the victim that causes them harm or fear of being hurt. Verbal and emotional bullying usually involves hurtful words and actions that intimidate the student or make him feel isolated. All of these behaviors can be performed by a child, or a group of children, towards another student. Anyone who observes a victimized student can usually report bullying incidents to school officials. If necessary, a teacher or other adult who has spoken to a student who is being bullied can request a consultation.

Cyberbullying is another form of bullying that affects children. This is harassment or threats via cell phones, email or other technological means. According to some advocacy groups, both adults and children can be cyberbullied, but only children can be considered victims. Common terms used to describe such behavior toward adults are cyber stalking or harassment. One way to report bullying online is to contact, for example, mobile phone or email service providers. You can submit reports about potential violations of their terms of service, which usually include typical cyberbullying activities.

Adults in certain positions of authority normally have an obligation to report bullying if a child is in danger. If necessary, someone in law enforcement or child protective services may be called in to address school bullying or cyberbullying. This is usually the case whenever assault, obscene or harassing calls or messages, child pornography, or any other criminal act has taken place. Laws vary by jurisdiction, but you may also be able to consult with an attorney about filing a civil suit.

To report workplace bullying, many employees contact a human resources representative. In some cases, they may speak directly to the bully’s supervisor. Depending on the company’s anti-bullying policies, you may be able to file an accident report or a police report. Furthermore, many cases of workplace bullying are based on discrimination. Most U.S. organizations are subject to laws prohibiting workplace discrimination, so you can often file an administrative or civil complaint. While most relevant laws contain no official reference to bullying, sometimes a company can be sued by an employee for creating a hostile work environment. Some attorneys also argue that employers can be found guilty of “negligent retention” if they knowingly keep a workplace bully on staff.

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