Return on capital is a measure of how well a company invests funds in its core business operations. It is important in determining financial strength and growth. A common approach is to identify net income generated and divide it by average capital for the period. A decreasing return may indicate the need for changes in operating expenses and other expenses. Lower returns could be due to unforeseen events. It is important to determine what drove the return on capital to capitalize on positive factors and minimize negative ones.
A return on capital is a means of measuring how well a given company invests funds in its core business operations. While there are various formulas used to determine this particular relationship between those funds invested and the returns generated as a result of those funds, many companies find that identifying return on capital is very important in determining the company’s financial strength and finding ways to help the company to achieve further growth over time. Typically, the means of determining a return on capital will focus on the pre-tax income generated relative to the amount of funds the company invests in the business.
A common approach to determining a return on capital involves identifying the amount of net income generated during a given period of time, after excluding any amount of after-tax interest expense that may have occurred during that period. The resulting figure is divided by the average capital for the period. The amount of this return on equity can then be used as part of the valuation of the overall business transaction and can form the basis for making adjustments if the return is not considered sufficient for the amount of funds invested in the transaction.
A return on capital that decreases with each subsequent time period may be a sign that the business needs to take a close look at its operating expenses and other expenses and make some changes to the way the business operates. The changes may involve stepping up your sales and marketing efforts as a means of attracting more customers and increasing sales. At the same time, a low return on capital can trigger an operational structure breakdown that results in a change in policies and procedures so that the company lowers costs and generally operates more efficiently. This in turn can have a positive impact on net profits and end the downward trend in capital returns and allow the company’s fortunes to start rising again.
There’s no reason why a return on capital would be less than expected. At times, the original return projections may have been more hopeful than factual. Even if these projections were realistic, the lower returns could be due to some event or series of events that were not anticipated when the capital was originally invested in the deal. For this reason, it is important to take the time to determine what drove the return on capital, both from the perspective of capitalizing on those positive factors in the future, and minimizing the impact of any negative factors in subsequent periods.
Smart Asset.